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Resting the batter will result in a bigger
volume, which is advantageous for
commercially produced cakes. But for home
Why do we need to
baking, resting the batter isn’t a must. Not
rest the batter before
resting the batter will result in a more
baking cakes? compact cake.
The term first class flour is commonly used in
the Philippine market to mean hard wheat or
bread flour. Third class flour is used to mean a
What is first class/third
softer, inferior kind of flour for softer products
class flour? What is
like noodles, cookies, biscuits, lumpia wrapper,
best for making breading, etc.
Baking soda is an alkaline compound that
produces carbon dioxide gas when mixed with
acid. The carbon dioxide gives rise to the
What is baking soda batter, especially when exposed to
and what does it do to temperatures above 80°C (176°F).
baked products? How Baking powder is baking soda with acid in the
does it differ from form of salt. Both are used in baking recipes
baking powder? but the amount depends on the acids used.
When no acids are used like in puto recipes,
baking soda is not needed so baking powder
alone will do.
What is yeast and Yeast is a basic bread ingredient. It is a kind of
where is it needed? fungi used as a leavening agent for breads.
When the yeast is fermented, it converts the
sugars present in dough into carbon dioxide
gas. The carbon dioxide causes air pockets to
the dough, which makes the dough expand.