Page 4 - January 17, 2018
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Black History Month events and
As part of this community’s · Saturday, Feb. 10, 11 a.m.-noon, North Chesterfield. North Courthouse Road Library, 325
Black History Month celebration, Chester Library, 11800 Centre Street, Speaking of Jazz with Victor Courthouse Road, North Chesterfield.
Chesterfield County Public Library and Chester. Haskins’ Skein – Hear how jazz Beyond Black History Month
the Chesterfield Historical Society of Jackie Robinson – Learn about music developed over time in this – Get a historical perspective on race
Virginia will host a variety of programs Jackie Robinson as he learns valuable interactive performance. Learn the basic in the United States and how it has
celebrating Black History Month, lessons from his mother, then cheer him concepts behind jazz and other music impacted education locally and nationally.
including musical performances and on as he plays professional baseball for rooted in African American culture, Discuss current events in our society
historical interpretations. All programs the Brooklyn Dodgers. For ages 5-10. such as improvisation, rhythm, and impacted by race and learn how to create
are free and open to the public. Registration begins Feb. 3. communication. Victor Haskins’ Skein compassionate, meaningful dialogue that
Registration is suggested for many of · Saturday, Feb. 17, 10:30-11:15 will perform music from different eras to extends beyond Black History Month.
the library programs and may be done a.m., North Courthouse Road Library. demonstrate compositions and stylistic Registration begins Feb. 10.
online at http://library.chesterfield. Honoring Chesterfield County developments from black musicians Saturday, Feb. 24, 10 a.m.-
gov/events/register/. All Black History African American World War I throughout the history of jazz. Registration noon, Meadowdale Library, 4301
Month programs and scholarships are and II Veterans – Hear the stories begins Feb. 6. Meadowdale Boulevard, North
funded entirely by private donations. and history of African Americans who · Tuesday, Feb. 20, 7-8 p.m., Chesterfield.
For more information, call (804)751- served in World War I and World War
CCPL (2275). For library addresses, II. Through lecture and discussion, A Completely Different Experience in Dining
visit learn about conditions of service in the
African Folktales – Storyteller United States and abroad, and honor LUNCH HOURS
Charmaine Crowell-White tells Chesterfield County servicemen and Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
traditional African and African American servicewomen by learning their stories. DINNER HOURS
folktales, including tales of High John · Saturday, Feb. 17, 11 a.m.-12:30 Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
the Trickster. Registration begins two p.m., Chesterfield County Museum, Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
weeks before each program. 6813 Mimms Loop, Chesterfield
· Saturday, Feb. 3, 10:30-11:15 (corrected location). 12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898
a.m., LaPrade Library, 9000 Hull Street Freedom Songs: The Music of
Road, North Chesterfield. Black History – Listen to the songs
· Tuesday, Feb. 6, 7:30-8:15 p.m., that impacted American music, from
Meadowdale Library, 4301 Meadowdale songs of slavery (“Hoe Emma Hoe”)
Boulevard, North Chesterfield. and the hymns of the Underground
· Thursday, Feb. 15, 7:30-8:15 p.m., Railroad (“Follow the Drinking
Clover Hill Library, 6701 Deer Run Gourd”) to the blues of Beale Street
Drive, Midlothian. and the anthems of the civil rights
· Saturday, Feb. 24, 1:30-2:15 p.m., movement. In this production, actors,
Enon Library, 1801 Enon Church Road, and singers will tell the stories of
Chester. famous and forgotten hymns, work
African Americans in songs, and music. For ages 8 and up.
Midlothian, Va. – Discover the Registration begins Feb. 3.
rich and often-overlooked history of Saturday, Feb. 17, 2-2:45
African Americans in the village of p.m., Meadowdale Library, 4301
Midlothian. Audrey Ross, historian for Meadowdale Boulevard, North
the First Baptist Church of Midlothian, Chesterfield.
the oldest African American church Frederick Douglass – for grades
in Chesterfield, and member of the K-12 – Nathan M. Richardson reenacts
Chesterfield Historical Society of Frederick Douglass’s life as a slave,
Virginia’s African American History his escape to freedom, and his rise as
Committee, will share glimpses a great writer, orator, and abolitionist.
gathered from years of research. Children will hear Douglass’s “What to
Registration begins Jan. 25. the Slave is the Fourth of July” speech.
· Thursday, Feb. 8, 11 a.m.-noon, Registration begins Feb. 5.
Midlothian Library, 521 Coalfield Monday, Feb. 19, 1-2 p.m., Ettrick-
Road, Midlothian. Matoaca Library, 4501 River Road,
African Americans in South Chesterfield.
Chesterfield County – Audrey The Life of Frederick
Ross, historian for the First Baptist Douglass – Poet, author, and spoken-
Church of Midlothian and member of word performer Nathan M. Richardson
the Chesterfield Historical Society of details the life of Frederick Douglass,
Virginia’s African American History from his time as a slave to his escape
Committee, presents a historical and his rise as a great writer, orator, and
overview of the lives, accomplishments, abolitionist. For all ages. Registration
and contributions of African Americans begins Feb. 5.
in Chesterfield County. Registration · Monday, Feb. 19, 6-7 p.m., Bon
begins Jan. 27. Air Library, 9103 Rattlesnake Road,
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