Page 6 - January 17, 2018
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       Forum set for March

       Event offers ideas, resources to

       revitalize neighborhoods

          Learn how to enhance your       allowing attendees to ask questions
       community at the 2018 Empowering   from industry leaders - those involved
       Neighborhoods Forum, set for March 3.  in establishing and working with
          This year’s event, presented by the   associations, as well as realtors and
       county’s Revitalize Our Communities   contractors - whose expertise can help
       Committee, features keynote speaker   every homeowner,” said Bethany Halle,
       Laura Lafayette, chief executive   chair of the committee. “Whether
       officer of the Richmond Association   you’re in a planned community
       of Realtors. The event is free and open   needing leadership and ideas for better
       to the public, and is scheduled for   communication or looking to purchase
       8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Thomas R.   or sell a home, their advice and words
       Fulghum Conference Center, 13900 Hull   of wisdom will be important learning
       Street Road.                       tools.”                                          BEFORE                           AFTER
          A variety of local experts will be   “The 2018 Empowering
       on hand to offer useful workshops for   Neighborhoods Forum brings together               Serving Chester for 23 years!
       residents, including:              Chesterfield residents, neighborhood
          Curb Appeal at a Reasonable Cost   and community organizations,
       – A panel discussion highlighting cost-  businesses, and county staff to share
       effective methods of sprucing up homes   ideas and solutions for bringing new   Chester Muff  er & Brake Shop
       and community entrances.           life to our older neighborhoods,” said                4215 W. Hundred Road, Chester
          Improving Home Value – Cost-    Carl Schlaudt, Chesterfield County
       effective home repairs including wood   Revitalization Manager. “The forum         Full Automotive Service
       replacement, HVAC maintenance, water-  is a place for information exchange,        Open: Monday - Friday 8a - 5:30p
       efficient landscaping and turf care, and   but more importantly, it’s a place
       asphalt and sidewalk repairs.      for equipping and networking our
          Developing Community Leadership   community leaders. Attendees get a
       – A panel discussion from community   better understanding of how to look after
       association leaders that will cover   their neighborhoods, and find partners in
       legal issues regarding establishing and   helping to move forward.”
       running board and community meetings,   Applications are still being accepted
       covering rules and regulations and   for vendors and exhibitors.
       providing effective and exciting social   For vendor applications and to
       events.                            register to attend the forum, visit
          “This year’s forum will be exciting,

       County seeks nominations for

       2018 Outstanding Youth Awards                                                        ‘Tis the Season to GIVE.

          The Chesterfield County Department   mentorship while serving youths in   Thanks to our friends, thousands of school children across the
       of Youth Planning and Development   Chesterfield County are eligible.
       is seeking nominations for the 2018    Nominees and winners will             region enjoyed a hands-on learning experience in 2017.
       Outstanding Youth Awards. Youths   be recognized at the 35th Annual
       who have demonstrated exemplary    Outstanding Youth Awards Ceremony     Keep History Alive. Educate a Classroom for $175.
       commitment to their communities,   on Wednesday, April 18, at 7 p.m. at the
       neighborhoods, or schools are eligible   Chesterfield Career and Technical Center   Please consider making a tax-deductible donation that will teach
       as well as adults who have contributed   @ Hull. The event is sponsored by the
       positively to the development of   Youth Services Citizen Board and the   future generations about Virginia’s rich history. Visit to
       youths in the county. All nominees   Midlothian-Chesterfield Kiwanis Club.  contribute today and ignite a love of history that will last a lifetime.
       must be Chesterfield County residents.   For a complete list of eligibility
       Nominations must be submitted online by   requirements and the nomination forms,
       5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 23.           visit All
          Youth nominees must be 12-18    nominations must be submitted online.                    HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK
       years old, and have demonstrated one   Residents who do not have Internet                    251 Henricus Park Road • Chester
       or more of the following traits: courage,   access are encouraged to use the free            (804) 748-1611 •
       compassion, leadership, and community   Internet services available at their local
       or school service.                 public libraries. For more information,
          Adults older than 18 who have   call (804) 796-7100 or e-mail mathisk@
       demonstrated fortitude, service, or                                       Keep History Alive. Experience Henricus.
       06   JANUARY 17, 2018                                                                                  
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