Page 7 - January 17, 2018
P. 7
                                                                                                                   DONATE TODAY

       Quotes for Coats

                                                                                                                    Help And Hope For Those In Need

                                                                                                                 Tax problems?
                                                                                                                   Are tax problems

                                                                                                                 keeping you awake
                                                                                                                 at night?

          Lyndsay Chandler and her Allstate   they issue. Coats will be delivered   a free zero-obligation quote for your
       team are collaborating with Marguerite   weekly to Marguerite Christian   home, auto, motorcycle, and life                  We can help
       Christian Elementary School to keep   Elementary School to help meet the   insurance and learn what discounts you      you resolve your
       warm this winter.  Several students, at   need. The agency is also collecting coats   can get.                            tax nightmare.
       M.C.E. School, are in need of coats, and   for those who want to help kids in need   The Allstate office is located at   Free and confidential consultation.
       the Chandler-Fausz Insurance Agency is   but are not interested in an insurance   9510 Iron Bridge Road, Chesterfield,   Call today! The sooner you call,
       holding “Quotes for Coats” to do their   quote. Specific sizes needed are: 10, 12,   Virginia 23832 or call the office to   the sooner the problem is resolved.
       part in keeping children warm this winter.   14, 16 and 18.           make an appointment with Lyndsay                       804-425-9856
          During the month of January, the    Help Lyndsay Chandler and the   or one of their team members.  Happy
       Chandler-Fausz Insurance Agency is   Chandler-Fausz Insurance Agency keep   New Year from Lyndsay Chandler, your   10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
       donating one coat on your behalf for   the students of Marguerite Christian   local Allstate Agency Owner serving
       each zero-obligation insurance quote   warm by calling (804) 796-5511 for   Chesterfield County and all of Virginia.

                                                                             Glover, peer
       Camp Baker’s 2018                                                     recovery                            CLEARANCE

       respite session schedule  announces new                                                                             SALE

       announced                                                             position

                                                                                 Timothy Glover of Chester, a       Saturday, Jan. 20
          The Greater Richmond ARC’s      7, 14, and 21; October 5, 12, and 19;   Certified Peer Recovery Specialist for
       Camp Baker at 7600 Beach Road in   November 2, 9, and 16; and December   the state of Virginia has left the Hanover
       Chesterfield today announced its respite   7, and 14.                 County Crisis Intervention Team for the   PAINT CLASS SCHEDULE
       weekend schedule for children (ages 6 to      The price is approximately $13.43   Hanover County Community Service
       17) and adults (ages 18 and older) with   per hour or the equivalent in Medicaid   Board (Region 4) after two years and    1/22  Frame     6 p.m.
       disabilities for 2018.             respite waiver hours, with scholarships   four months of service to become a new
              Camp Baker is a 22-acre,    available for eligible families.  For more   member of the Henrico County Mental    1/25  Vintage Book  11 a.m.
       handicapped-accessible, wooded facility   information, call Camp Baker at (804)   Health Services Case Management team.    1/25  Vintage Book  6 p.m.
       that provides programming for people   748-4789 or visit  Glover also is the facilitator    1/29  Shutter   6 p.m.
       with disabilities year-round. On tap this   "In partnership with families, the   of the Depression Bipolar Support    2/1   Farm House Heart
       year for respite: a Richmond Symphony   Greater Richmond ARC creates life-  Group, held on the second and                       6 p.m.
       performance, as well as local sporting   fulfilling opportunities for individuals   fourth Thursday of each month    2/8   Window   6 p.m.
       events and plays, and Respite Field   with disabilities," says the groups   at Ironbridge Baptist Church.    2/22  Shutter      6 p.m.
       Day with face painting and a dance   mission statement.  Founded in 1954, it   He is a founding board member
       competition.                       is an organization created by families   of the mental health non-profit
             Respite sessions for children will   for families, one that has grown to   Outside In Ministries and president
       be held Friday through Sunday starting   provide a continuum of programs and   and founding member of the
       on the following dates in 2018: February   services for individuals with disabilities   another, DBSA Chesterfield
       2, March 2, April 6, May 4, June 1, July   across the lifespan. Programs spanning   Virginia. He is an advocate for
       6, August 31, September 28, October 26,   the life cycle and assisting people with   mental health services and programs   Mon. - Sat. 10 - 5
 HENRICUS HISTORICAL PARK  and November 30.  disabilities to live happy, successful,   through a third non-profit, the   Closed Sunday
              Adult sessions in 2018 are:
 251 Henricus Park Road • Chester  February 9, 16, and 23; March 9, 16, and   and meaningful lives include: Infant   National Alliance of Mentally
 (804) 748-1611 •  23; April 13, 20, and 27; May 11, 18,   & Child Development Services; After   Ill Central Virginia. Glover is   (804) 706-5862
                                          School & Day Support Services; ARC
       and 25; June 8, 22, and 29; July 13, 20,   Employment Services; and Camp Baker   certified by the Virginia Board of   4100 W. Hundred Road
                                                                             Certification as a Certified Peer
       and 27; August 3, 10, and 24; September   Services.                   Recovery Specialist.                  Chester (Next to Vogue Flowers)                                                                                              JANUARY 17, 2018  07
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12