Page 5 - January 17, 2018
P. 5
may be, doing something is much better
Mixing Bowl than doing nothing. In a world that feels
Helping where totally out of control, doing something A half-day socialization and educational preschool
helps you regain some sense of order.
Now Enrolling
I want my children to see the value in
you can actually doing something instead of just for the
fretting and worrying about it, and if
turning my lights off for one hour every
week will show them that, then I’m all 2018/2019
By Gena Lashley
for it.
eginning tonight, the Lashley If you happen to be someone who Think about it taking this pledge school year
family will be turning off all does not believe in climate change, I with me, lights out between 8:30 Please call or email for
Bof our lights and electronics would like to point out that we just had p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Sunday nights. more information.
(television) between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 tornado warnings issued in Chesterfield, You may find that you even enjoy the
p.m. This is a pledge we are taking to in January. California has seen the worst quality time spent with your family, 748-9465
support the Alt National Park Service wildfires sweep through their state, ever. while you help save the earth. email:
and their Climate Change Blackout Irma, Harvey, and Maria, do I need to
Hour. Every Sunday night for one hour say more? Human beings are now facing
got storm damage?
we will turn off all of the lights to help the consequences of treating the Earth SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
prevent climate change. According to poorly. We have to accept the fact that got storm damage?, “Every year Earth Hour is our climate HAS changed, and will REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
hosted by the WWF (World Wildlife continue to do so, and in a very negative We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
Fund) which has millions of people way. If you happen to be someone who CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
turn off their lights one night each year thinks, “Someone else will do it so I Your property may have damage from recent storms.
for climate change. We are now hosting don’t have to,” I would like to point out Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
a weekly blackout hour in the United that this is the absolute worst attitude • Locally owned & operated
States. Every Sunday night for one hour to have. However, it is your right to do • Highest quality materials
you will turn off your lights to help nothing, but next time you are hunkering • Exterior remodeling services
prevent climate change. This will be at down in your bathtub waiting for a • Fast, reliable service
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. your local time tornado to pass, or buying jugs of water • Fully licensed & insured
zone.” Our family has signed the pledge in preparation for a strong hurricane
to do this because my children’s future coming your way, remember that you 804-520-9791
depends on how we as a people react to had a choice to HELP and chose to do Free Estimates • No Obligation
Locally Owned & Operated
the threat of climate change now, not nothing. Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
next year, or in ten years. It’s too late I have come to learn that no matter
for that now. how small you think your contribution Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
Per, “If all our
members took part, we would reduce...
5,509,400 pounds of carbon dioxide
weekly. This is equivalent to reducing Alzheimer’s
276,341 gallons of gasoline consumed,
2,686,917 pounds of coal burned, and
368 homes’ electricity use for one year,
or 6,019,222 miles driven by an average Specialty Center
passenger vehicle.” I hold in my hand
the power to help achieve this goal. I
literally have to just turn the switches
to “off.” Now, some of you may be
climate change deniers (even though at
this point how much more proof do you
need that there are actually changes in
our climate), some of you may be on
board and also pledge to do this, and
others might think that they don’t have
to do anything because someone else
will. This problem we are facing head-
on is something that is affecting and Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty
will be affecting all of us, every single
one of us, no matter what your feelings Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town center –
are about turning the lights off one day giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
a week. the chance to live normal lives.
SEND US YOUR NEWS! Each day residents can walk through town and engage in activities normally done at
home. Stop by the bank or post office • Go to the library • Swing by the Tavern for a
non-alcoholic beverage • Go to the drug store and enjoy something to eat at the Café
HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN • Stop by the market and pick up a snack • See a movie in the theater • Attend church
IN CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING services in the chapel • Go to the salon/barber shop for a shampoo or a shave!
ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION “Come take a walk through town with us”
NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM 5305 Plaza Drive Prince George, VA 23860 804-452-5000 JANUARY 17, 2018 05