Page 9 - January 17, 2018
P. 9

       Living Safe                                                           with the heater running full blast, the lines   need to be pulled and the pipes repaired. In
       Frozen                                                                still froze on the coldest morning, rendering   many cases, this is something that can be
                                                                             the heater out of service on of all things, a
                                                                                                                 handled with your homeowner’s insurance.
                                                                             take all the precautions in the world and
                                                                                                                 event. This does not happen all the time
       By Pete Hypes                                                         Sunday morning. The point is that you can        This past week was an extreme weather
                                                                             your pipes may still freeze.        in our area, but they do happen. We must
          n this article, I am not talking about one   from freezing? Normal PVC pipe or copper        What do I do if my pipes have burst?   take preventative measures, or we must be
          of my grandchildren’s favorite movies,   pipes are no match for extreme cold. There   The first thing will be to cut the water off   willing to deal with the aftermath. Again,
       Ibut the state that we have just come   is a pipe that is more resistant to bursting   to that pipe. You hope that there is a valve   you may do all the right things and still
       out of for the past week and a half. High   because it is a bit more flexible, expanding   that can be shut off to that portion, which   have your pipes freeze. Minimizing the
       temperatures in the low to mid-twenties   as the freezing process is occurring. You   prevents from having to shut the main   possibilities will hopefully minimize the
       and lows at or below zero have caused   can either insulate all your pipes or at   water valve off. We had our plumber put a   chance of freezing or at least minimize
       many to experience frozen water lines, and   least insulate the problem areas. Another   main shutoff in our utility room. If water   the impact from busted pipes. You may
       now that temperatures are above freezing,   thing that you might think about is about   is flowing out of outlets or light fixtures,   want to add a valve to your problem
       pipes are bursting. My experience with this   utilizing a portable heat source in your   then you need to cut the breaker off for the   areas. I am ready for spring and
       is from the perspective of a homeowner   problem areas. We have always been told   affected areas. Many times, pipes burst in   summer, as I am sure that most of you
       who has had it happen, to a firefighter who   to allow your faucets to drip in extremely   walls. Once this occurs, the drywall will   are. Take care.
       had to deal with the aftermath of pipes that   cold weather. The point is that moving
       burst. All I can hope to do is to give you   water will freeze slower than water that is   Paying Cash!
       some possible ways to prevent this from   at rest, but remember that there is a point
       happening when the temperatures plummet   when all water could freeze. One other
       again.                             thing to remember is that you want to          Gold, Silver, and Platinum
            From science, we know that water freezes   limit air flow under your house, cutting   BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
       at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Which water will   down the potential for wind chill. Closing
       freeze first? My experience has been that   the dampers or having dampers that   Village Coin is  paying top dollar for your jewelry
       water that is not moving will freeze faster   automatically close may be beneficial.   and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
       than water that it is flowing or moving. Keep         What do I do once my pipes have                WE BUY & SELL ALL
       this in mind, when the temperatures have   frozen? This one is a bit tricky. Knowing                    UNITED STATES
       gotten low enough and stayed that way for a   that the problem exists is the first piece. The     GOLD & SILVER COINS
       period, I have seen the ocean, the sound, and   quicker you recognize that it is occurring,
       rivers freeze. This proves that all water will   the greater the chance of preventing the         Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
       freeze given extremely cold temperatures   pipes from busting or splitting. Heating   Village Coin
       and wind chills. There was an old firefighter   the pipes will allow them to thaw out,
       statement that talked about the point when a   but you must be very careful how you   1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
       fire would go ou: “When the GPMs (gallons   go about this. The less heat that you use,   (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
       per minute of water) exceeds the BTUs   the better. In other words, a hair dryer as
       (British thermal units), then a fire will go   opposed to a blowtorch. At our church, we
       out.” My point is that without protection   have the downstairs furnace in an outside
       against freezing, there is a point when all   mechanical room. The condensation lines   SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL
       water will freeze, flowing or not. When the   used to freeze up regularly, so we have
       water freezes, it expands. The damage to   placed a space heater in that room, and we   Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar
       pipes occurs in the freezing process.  leave it on when temperatures are going to
            What can we do to prevent our pipes   remain below freezing. Guess what? Even
                                                                                                     all for $  10    95


       BARDENHEIER, Mrs. Rosemarie A., 76, of Chesterfield, widow of Frank T. Bardenheier.
       BROACH, Mr. Robert Lawrence Jr., 78, of Chesterfield, husband of Pat Broach.
       BROWN, Mr. Paul William, 70, of Chester, husband of Susanne B. Brown.
       CRAIG, Mrs. Florence Meredith “Deetsie” Toney, 78, of Chesterfield, wife of Danny Craig.
       DALE, Mrs. Marlys M., 88, of Chesterfield, widow of Jack Dale.
       DAVENPORT, Mr. Marshall Lee, 77, of Chesterfield, an Air Force veteran, husband of Sharon
       R. Davenport.
       FARRAR, Mr. John Clifford Sr., 76, of North Chesterfield, husband of Edith Farrar.
       GIBSON, Ms. Cheryl, 71, of North Chesterfield.
       HALL, Mr. Willard Dempsey “Will” Jr., 69, of Chesterfield, an Army veteran who served in
       the Vietnam War, husband of Terry Nunnelly Hall.
       ISPHORDING, Mrs. Amy Bartholomew, 57, of Chesterfield, wife of Bruce Isphording.
       LUDWIG, Mr. Henry Francis, 71, of Chester, a U.S. Army veteran, husband of Pamela Morris
       MAGUIRE, Ms. Elizabeth Anne, 60, of North Chesterfield.
       MC DONALD, Mrs. Grace Clark, 84, of Chester, widow of Benny Ray McDonald Sr.  ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN
       MIZELL, Mrs. Sophia Irene, 71, of Chesterfield, widow of Joseph Mizell.
       MOTLEY, Mrs. Margaret “Peggy,” 95, of North Chesterfield, widow of Cyril “Bill” Motley.  Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
       NENTWICH, Mrs. Mary E., 77, of Chesterfield, wife of Edward F. Nentwich.  oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
       NOTT, Mr. Francis Hancock, 73, of North Chesterfield, husband of Vicki Burgess Nott.
       SALE, Mr. Terry Grant, 57, of Chesterfield, fiance of Crystal.
       SILVEY, Mr. Glen Franklin, 45, of Chesterfield.                               King’s Korner
       SMITH, Mrs. Lois Colleen Maitland, 80, of Chesterfield, wife of R.J. Smith.
       WAGNER, Ms. Debra Jo, 64, of Chesterfield.
       WALKER, Mrs. Nancy Caroline, 77, of Chesterfield, wife of Carlton “Jack” Walker.  7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333
       WHITAKER, Mr. Jerry Wayne, 70, of Chesterfield, a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War,      Catering: 271-0033   |
       widower of Frances Rao Whitaker.                                              Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                                                                                        5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95                                                                                             JANUARY 17, 2018  09
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