Page 6 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 6

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               the  successive  cycle  of  rebirth.  That  is  the  process of  the  of eclipsed sun. The black and white dots within Yang and
               consecutive changes which explain why the day transforms  Yin  express  the  germ  Yin-Yang  germs  producing  the
               into the night and vice-versa.                                     movement  of  changes.  The  figures  of  two  fishes  splitting
                                                                                  the circle of Tai Chi, either Strong Yang or Strong Yin in two
               According  to  Oriental  medicine,  man/woman  is  a  "small  parts,  say the meaning of balance between both Yang and
               cosmic"  includes  Yin-Yang  and  Five  elements  of  nature,  Yin.
               when  those  elements  operate  smoothly,  one  is  healthy
               whereas the yin-yang’s disorder causes all the diseases.           Saying  Tai  Chi  Chuan  is  the  “medical-martial  nutri-living
                                                                                  exercise” because this martial is based on the philosophy of
               Once Yang is thriving, then Yin is declining and vice-versa.  changes,  of  transmutation  between  Yin  and  Yang,  whose
               Once Yin and Yang are balanced, that is the reason and the  effect is to entertain one's spirit, to balance body and mind
               sentiments are in harmony.                                         which  is  the  essential  foundation  for  enhance  the  health,
                                                                                  peace and happiness.
               It  is  necessary  that  males  should have a small amount of
               female hormones, and females should have a small of male                  1.2-  Tai  Chi,  a  presentation  of  the  Yin-Yang
               hormones, otherwise, they are extremely rigid and strong or        Philosophy of Changes.
               too soft and feeble, so they do not enable to regulate their              a) The postures’ meaning:

               lives happily, impossible to be in harmony with themselves,                 The process of a TaiChi performance express the
               with nature, with the others.                                      one in the TaiChi diagram above mentioned.
                                                                                            At  first,  practitioner  stands  immobile  at  rest,
               Therefore, Yin and Yang are illustrated as follows (fig: 2)        regarding in front, the body is perpendicular to the ground,
                                       Strong Yang                                totally  relaxing  body  and  mind  so  that  feeling  peaceful,
                                                                                  showing serene face that is the reflection of the void’s state,
                                                                                  the state of nothingness. In this posture, the practitioner is
                  Yang increasing                        Yin increasing           ready  to  move,  this  is  the  phase  for  transition  from
                                                                                  nothingness  to  Tai  Chi.  Practitioner  stands  very  straight
                                                                                  seemingly  rooted on the ground, head hanging down from
                                                                                  the ceiling, so that vital breath, or Chi, can run straight from
                                          Strong Yin                              toe  to  the  crown,  that’s  the  image  of  a  righteous  people
                                           (Fig: 2)                               wearing the sky and trampling upon the earth, the reflection
               The  white  color  of  Yang  indicates  that  it  is  receiving  the   of  the  “Three-Element-Relationship:  Sky,  Earth,  People”
               sunlight. The black of Yin indicates that it’s obscure because     whose Man is exactly Tai Chi standing right in middle.

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