Page 9 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 9

Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh                                                                       Ðỗ Quang-Vinh

               womb, fetus grows around the belly cavity of the mother. It                The  “Lower  Dan  Dien”  coincides  with  the nervous
               breathes  the  Prebirth  Chi  and  absorbs nutrients which are  point  of  meridian  named  “Khi  Hai”  (Khi  means  Chi,  Hai
               going from the "placenta" in the womb through its cord and  means sea/tank), lies in the zone of the navel about 3cm.
               down  to  genitals,  upwards  to  the  head,  downwards  the
               tongue, then returns to its navel. So this is called the “Dan      2.2- The system of channels and meridians.
               Dien”,  field  of  medicine  herbs,  the  most  powerful
               converging center to produce energy resources for survival.        Observing  the cycle of the Chi’s flow within the fetus, the
               The child was born, he/she respires, inhales the post birth        oriental  medical-management  discovered  two  most  crucial
               Chi, exhales the prebirth Chi. When inhaling, the diaphragm        channels that are the Front and the Back which connected to
               lowers down, the internal organs are pushed down so that           12 main meridians named “kinh”, from which splitting many
               the  postbirth  Chi  may  be  absorbed  and  the  abdomen  is      smaller  interlaced  branches  called  "Lac"  distributing
               swelled.  When  exhaling,  the  diaphragm raises upwards so        throughout the body like a fabric net.
               that  the  prebirth  Chi  may  be  pushed  out  and  the  internal
               organs are brought about so that the belly is contracted and          a-  The  Back  Channel  or  The  Governor  Channel
               flat.                                                              harmonizes the  body’s Yang part, starting from the nervous
                                                                                  point  named  “Hoi  Am”  bypasses  the  lungs  in  the  back,
                                                                                  running along the spine, through the nervous points “Truong
                                                 Placenta’s stem                  Cuong”, “Menh Mon”, “Chi Yang”, “Dai Chuy”, “Phong Phu”,
                                                                                  going into the brain, up to “Bach Hoi” vented on the top of
                                                                                  head,  down  to “Nhan Trung” and terminates at the “Ngan
                                                   (Fig. 6)
                                                     Fetal umbilical cord         Giao”, where circuitry to meet the Front Channel which from
                                                                                  “Hoi Am” and “Dan Dien” goes up.
                                                                                          “Hoi  Am”,  the  first
                                                                                  point  of  the  Front  Channel
               They also distinguish:                                             located  at  the  middle  of  the
                     The Upper Dan Dien coincides with the nervous point  external genitals and anus,
               of  meridian  named  An  Duong,  located  between  the  where the Yin Chi is gathered, concentrated three channels:
               eyebrows, where the injury may leads to death.                     the  front  and  the  back  channels,  as  well  as  the  “Xung”
                     The Middle Dan Dien coincides with the nervous point  Channel,  this  circuit  controls  the  Chi-Blood  of  the  whole
               of meridian named “Dan Trung” situated in the middle of the  body from the uterus into the spinal column, branching out
               line joining two nipples.

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