Page 13 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 13

Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh                                                                       Ðỗ Quang-Vinh

                                Transportation of Chi
                              through nervous system

                       The  Front  and  The  Back  Channel  associate  to  the
               innards organs to form the Small Heavenly Cycle which connect
               the limbs to form Great Heavenly Cycle  (Fig.7). At extremities
               of  limbs  there  are  two  important  energy  points:  Lao  Cung
               located in the palms and Dung Tuyen in the soles. Lao Cung is
               located  on  the  palms  at  the intersection of the centerline and
               the  line  drawing  the  split  between  the  ring  finger  and  the
               middle finger (Fig. 8). Dung Tuyen is the hollow on the sole of
               the feet, located at the dot dividing 2/5 the line drawing from
               the tip of second toe to the rear rim of heel (Fig. 9). Lao Cung
               is the Yang energy point of the Heart meridian. Dung Tuyen is
               the Yin energy point of the Kidneys meridian. The effect of the
               fluctuations  between  Lao  Cung  and  Dung  Tuyen  makes  the
               correlative  harmony  between  Heart  and  Kidneys  as  well  as
               between  Dan  Dien  and  “Dan  Trung”  which  according  to  the
               oriental medical, manifests  a good health, and they called this                                              (Fig. 7)
               phenomena  “Thuy  Hoa  Ky  Te”  means  “Fire-Water  done
               communication”  [Fire indicates positive Yang,  Water indicates
               Yin  negative]  (*).  On  the  other  hand  in  the  Chi-transport
               process, the energy point “Bach Hoi” on the crown collects the
               Yang Chi from the sky moving it to the energy point “Lao Cung”
               while the energy point “Dung Tuyen” at the sole collects the Yin
               Chi from the earth moving it to the points “Truong Cuong” and
               “Hoi Am”, thus, activates also both the Front and Back Channel.
               This increases the resistance and the improvement of the whole
               functions of the innards organs.

               (*) Note:Thuy Hoa Ky Te, the name of module No 63 in the I Ching,
               its pictography             composes two parts: above is Water, below is
               Fire.  This  means  boiling  water  creates  pressure  producing  useful
               power for the  vapor  machine. So, Fire helps water to create energy                        (Fig.8)                   (Fig.9)
               power that does create successful results.

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