Page 15 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 15

Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh                                                                       Ðỗ Quang-Vinh

               (1)  Below  are  ten  crucial  principles  for  the  Tai  Chi
               Chuan Exercises:

               Each  of  us  is  a  "small  cosmic"  including  Yin-Yang  and  Five
               elements of nature, when those elements operate smoothly, one
               is  healthy  whereas  the  yin-yang’s  disorder  causes  all  the
               diseases. So in order to gain more benefits from the practice of

               Taichi, the following essential rules are recommended:

                   1.1-   Neck and head straight. Shen or Spirit at the crown,
               no use force to do, but doing naturally.
                   1.2-   The  chest  slightly  contracted  in  order  to  the  Chi                    (3) hands to push
               sinking into Dan Dien and sticking to the spine.
                   1.3-   Let  loose  waist,  every  moves  must  be  transformed
               according to the moving of the waist.
                   1.4-   Distinguish  between  false  and  real  moves;  if  the
               weight bears heavily on this foot, this is the real stance, while
               another foot is false stance.
                   1.5-   Let  shoulders  loosing  naturally,  both  elbows  also
                   1.6-   Use mind not use the force: the whole body is letting
               loose,  the  mind  guiding  the  moves.  Mind,  Chi  and  Force  are
               connecting  together.  Mind  conducts  Chi,  Chi  conducts  Force,
               when Mind arrives, Chi comes, when Chi comes, Force arrives.
                   1.7-   Shen  (or  Spirit)  pursuits  every  move,  the  mind  is   (3) fist to punch
               concentrated to follow them.
                   1.8-   Shen  and  Body  are  mutually  unified.  Shen
               commands body.
                   1.9-   Continuous  motion  as  natural  as  streams  drifting
               without interruption.
                   1.10- Use static to command dynamic, the softness to guide
               the rigid.

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