Page 17 - IMPRESSION Newsletter March19
P. 17

After adverse events, time is usually set                 When you come to FASAP, a licensed or
       aside for a debriefing session, led by a                   certified mental health clinician will discuss
       physician or nurse manager, seeking to                     with you, your concerns or problems. The
       understand what happened in an adverse                     clinician may ask questions about how things
       event and prevent future harm. Even though                 are going at work, at home, and with others,
       these groups may try to understand an event                as well as how you are feeling. When the
       as the output of a faulty system rather than               clinician feels he or she has a good
       a flawed individual, they don't typically seek             understanding of your concerns, the FASAP
       to provide support for the caregivers                      clinician will share with you their thoughts
       involved.                                                  about what might be causing your problems,
                                                                  and what can be done to remedy them and
           A need for a separate debriefing to help
       with those issues and provide emotional                    may recommend that you receive some type
                                                                  of counseling or treatment from another
       first aid may be critical to the mental and                clinician.
       emotional well-being of the caregiver.
       Quickly linking them with peer support                        If you are someone you know is in need of
       could be the first step in processing their                help, please do not hesitate to act. If these
       feelings and identifying additional resources              emotional and psychological wounds are left
       to help them heal, such as an employee                     untreated they could last for weeks, months,
       assistance programs. Having the                            or even years. Additionally, they may increase
       understanding and relating to the                          the chance of risky behaviors such as drug or
       experiences of peers is crucial to providing               alcohol addiction. The lingering effects can
       high quality support. Peer support can have                also ruin relationships, cause problems at
       a significant impact on the ability of                     work, and take a serious toll on physical
       caregivers to continue thriving in their roles,            health.
       and is important to the success of the                        Overall, it is important to remember that it
                                                                  is not selfish to focus on your own needs and
           The assistance program in use at Johns                 wellbeing. When you don’t ask for help when
       Hopkins Bayview Medical Center is the                      you need it, you assume all of a burden while
       Faculty and Staff Assistance Program or                    depriving others of a chance to show they care
       FASAP. Faculty, staff, employees, their                    and share their gifts.
       dependents and significant others are
       eligible for services, without charge, as a
       personnel benefit.
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