Page 18 - IMPRESSION Newsletter March19
P. 18


               Stories From the Heart

              "The people in the IR were most                            "Amazing team of professionals.
              concerned with my comfort and                             Positive attitudes all around. From
         explained what I could expect. In the OR                    housekeeping, techs, nurses to doctors

           Doctor Reifsnyder and everyone else                         all were excellent. Felt well cared for
            that was in there worked as a well                         and would recommend to anyone. "
               synchronized team. I was well

             medicated but aware of what was
         happening. I knew I was in good hands,                      "No one loves hospitals. But every time I
            how comforting. In the IR after the                          come JH I am always treated with

          procedure Nurse Tom, don't know his                           kindness and humor. The staff is so
         last name, was there to check on me and                     professional and still warm and friendly.
          explain the dos and don't for the next                               Your staff is amazing. "

          few days, he was amazing. All around I
            don't how I could of been in better
                            hands. "
                                                                            "All staff were excellent and
                                                                     professional. Larissa the nurse who put
                                                                     in my iv was excellent and got it in first
         "I'm just amazed at all that goes into my
              visit. Extremely happy with my                         time and made it look so easy - which it

         experience. Happy there is a facility like                  isn't in me as I am a hard stick!!! Larissa
                       Johns Hopkins."                               was very helpful and thoughtful as well
                                                                           as a professional at her job. "

         "Imaging staff from chest xray, chest CT, as well as ultrasound doppler of my legs were all
            awesome people very caring, compassionate & extremely knowledgeable. Helping me
             from start to finish get through all my tests . Imagining staff keep up the great work!

                                                      You guys rock !"

          "The overall experience was excellent, they took the time to listen to the fact I was out of
          state and worked with me in scheduling a time that wouldn't cause me to be sitting in the

            car for longer than necessary. The staff was very respectful and caring. The stress with
           being sick and uncomfortable was taken into consideration and everyone was extremely
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