Page 13 - IMPRESSION Newsletter March19
P. 13
The 2019 Step Challenge has begun. If This year, the Healthy at Hopkins
you are participating in this event, you Rewards Program for participating Johns
should be actively stepping and tracking your Hopkins Health System entities changed
steps as of Feb 25th. On Monday the March from a quarterly program to an annual one.
4th all of the step challenge Team Leaders Employees will now have a year to
will be collecting your step total for the week. demonstrate their commitment to being
healthy at Johns Hopkins.
Currently the groups are called
"teams" because we want you to name your Onsite Blood Pressure Screenings
team! So speak with your team leader if you Earn 200 points in the Healthy at Hopkins
have a great super creative name for your Rewards Program! At your blood pressure
team! We will gather team name ideas by screening, you’ll learn more about your
Monday March 11th.
personal well-being and have the
We will have an average number of steps for opportunity to speak with a health coach.
each team at the end of this month and it will Onsite screenings are available to EHP
show the baseline for your team. The team medical plan members in the Knott
that has the greatest percentage of increase Conference Center during the times below.
in a year will be the team that wins the Appointments are strongly recommended.
challenge. The individual with the most Log on to the portal to schedule your
improvement in a year will win the appointment:
individual challenge. The prizes are being
determined but will be nice ones! • Friday, March 8, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
• Tuesday, March 19, 2 to 10 p.m
The lead team for the month will have • Monday, March 25, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
possession of a step challenge trophy. The
individual stepper with the most steps will Not an EHP member or unable to join
receive a pin monthly. Weekends do count so the onsite screening dates? You are still able
walk the walks on the weekends! to earn points towards the annual rewards
program! Log on to the Healthy at Hopkins
Any questions please ask your team leader or portal for an offsite blood pressure
email Melissa Woods verification form. Please note: EHP
directly. members may complete either option, not
"May the odds be forever in your favor." both.