Page 10 - IMPRESSION Newsletter March19
P. 10


        Tips to Help Spring Forward
                     & Stay Rested

            Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday,
     March 10 at 2 a.m., which means before going                             Join us to celebrate

     to bed on Saturday, we should turn our clocks
                                                                  St. Patrick’s Day
     forward one hour. Losing an hour can lead to
     sleepiness and even disorientation. So, how do
     you get through the first few days of feeling                                     in a

     “off” after springing forward?

     Here are five tips from                           Healthy Way

     1.  Start adjusting your sleep schedule                        We want to see your best “green” treat.
         before daylight savings time begins.
         Going to bed a little earlier every night and              Whether that be a green veggie dish, a

         getting up a little earlier every morning, a               green healthy snack, green fruits or any
         few days before the time change can                         other healthy option you can think of.
         mitigate the shock to your system of losing
         an entire hour at once.                                        BRING YOUR A-GAME
     2.  Avoid the temptation to nap.

         If you’re truly exhausted on the first day of             All healthy choice treats will be judged to
         daylight savings time, give in and take a                           determine which is best.
         nap, but try to do it early in the afternoon.                           Also, Wear green!
     3.  Use light to reset your body clock.                        Techs may wear green under their grey
         Utilizing bright light in the morning and                                       tops.

         dim light at night is the best way to adjust                         Friday, March 15
         yourself to your new schedule.                                               1:00pm
     4.  Keep the caffeine to a minimum.
         Try to avoid caffeine in the late as it may                              Admin Suite

         keep you up later.  Getting to bed earlier is
         the best thing to help you adjust.
     5.  Try to avoid using pills.
         It may be hard to resist the urge, but
         adjusting the natural way is always best.
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