Page 8 - IMPRESSION Newsletter March19
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Iconic D.C
Recently, Johns Hopkins University agreed to acquire
the iconic Newseum building located at 555 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW for $372.5 million. In a message to the University
Community, Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J.
Daniels wrote:
With the acquisition and renovation of the Newseum,
we will have an unparalleled opportunity to bring
Johns Hopkins Bayview is now a all of our current D.C.-based Johns Hopkins
member of the Maryland Green Registry, graduate programs together in a single, landmark,
which promotes and recognizes state-of-the-art building. Moreover, the renovated
sustainable practices at organizations. building will provide opportunities for every
Members share their environmental academic division of the university to pursue
practices and measurable results while research and educational activities in Washington—
striving to continually improve their complementing and drawing on those conducted on
environmental performance. our flagship Baltimore campuses and deepening our
connections to debates over national and global
Some of Johns Hopkins Bayview’s
notable green efforts include the planting policy. Our commitment to contributing our ideas
and expertise to these debates lies at the core of what
of more than 200 new trees on campus; it means to be a vital and relevant university.
the introduction of 14 dual electric car-
charging stations; and the construction Acquiring the Newseum building will allow Hopkins
of 5500 Lombard, which was constructed to consolidate its D.C. operations — currently spread across
to the Baltimore City Green Building four buildings on Massachusetts Avenue — into one space.
Standard and achieved a 2-star rating, The university aims to broaden the practical impacts of its
equivalent to LEED Silver. research and position itself to influence national and
international decision-making from its new home.