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                                                                                      Group Control or
                                         Individual Responsibilities

                                 1.  Interrupts the meeting to remind the
                                     group about a process concern.
                                 2.  Evaluates norms and methods used
                                     during the meeting.                          1.  Agree on specific
                                 3.  Between meetings, coaches individual             meetings which
                                     team members.                                    Facilitator should
                                 4.  Mediates conflict among individuals              attend or not attend.
                                     within the group.
                                 5.  Collects and summarizes anonymous
                                     questionnaires and ballots.

                                1.  Notify Coordinator about not being able
                                    to attend a meeting.
                                2.  Bring individual calendars/schedules,
                                    distributions received, and personal
                                    notes to the meeting.
                                3.  Bring name tags or name tents when
                                4.  Arrive at meetings prior to the start time.
                                5.  Help in room setup when needed.
                                6.  Turn electronics (beepers, phones, etc.)      1.  Define what
                                    off tone mode during meetings.                    precautions are
                Team            7.  Greet other members of the team.                  needed to maintain
                Members         8.  Write questions and comments down to              an appropriate level
                                    participate when appropriate.                     of confidentiality.
                                9.  Clarify concerns before identifying           2.  Define rules for
                                    solution options.                                 members to
                                10. Focus on creatively addressing interests
                                    rather than selling specific
                                11. Clean up the room (align chairs, discard
                                    trash, etc.) before leaving.
                                12. Respect requests for confidentiality.
                                13. Complete assignments between
                                    Brief members who are absent.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 81 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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