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                                                                                      Group Control or
                                         Individual Responsibilities

                                1.  Brings a timer to meetings.
                                2.  room  are  calibrated  to  a  common
                                    standard  Ensures  that  clocks  in  the
                                3.  Before the meeting starts, announces "x
                                    minutes before the meeting".
                                4.  Says  "the  meeting  has  started"  at  the
                Timekeeper          appointed start of the meeting.              1.  Stop presentation to
                                5.  If the meeting has not started, says "the        "Call the Question" --
                                    meeting  started  x  minutes  ago"  every  5     take a vote whether to
                                    minutes.                                         continue.
                                6.  Communicates  to  presenters  how  much
                                    time  is  remaining  (e.g.,  10  minutes,  5
                                    minutes,  2  minutes,  1  minute,  30
                                7.  Interrupts group with a "Point of Order" to
                                    announce end of time.

                                1.  Brings large format papers and dry-erase  1.  Agree on whether
                                    pens to meetings.                                items should be
                                2.  Puts  title  and  date  on  each  sheet  of      written down or not.
                                    paper produced by the team.                  2.  The term Minutes of
                                3.  Legibly writes what the group verbalizes         a meeting originates
                Scribe              onto flip-chart paper or white-board.            from the Latin
                                4.  Posts flip-chart paper or white-board.           minutes, meaning
                                5.  Ensures  that  charts  match  Notes  taken       ―small‖, because they
                                    by Note taker.                                   are meant to be short
                                6.  Gives charts to Note taker.                      and quick.

                                                                                 1.  Agree on whether
                                                                                     notes need to be

                                                                                     typed up.
                                1.  Brings  blank  note  paper  and  writing     2.  Review notes for
                                    instruments to meetings.
                Note taker                                                           mistakes/omissions.
                                2.  Takes     legible   notes    during    team   3.  Agree on whether
                                3.  If necessary, types up notes.                    specific entries should
                                                                                     be in or out of the

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 82 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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