Page 28 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 28

NEW LAUNCH DATE?                                       I'm the glass is 1/2 full kind of  High Temperature Achieved
          Thinking back 15-20 years, it      person..... Now for the glass is 1/2 emp-    the Month of April for the
seemed that we were launching our
boats earlier than we do today. Maybe        ty guy..... Unfortunately, we do have        last 46 years
it was just our excitement, but we tried     risk if we launch too early because of
to have the boat uncovered & bottom          our inconsistent spring weather and po-      >60º - 4%
painted in April, and would certainly        tential freezing temperatures. I spoke
be in the water by May 1st. Things seem      with Bill Rose Jr., of Rose Marine. Rose
to be delayed now, with launches get-        Marine is one of Lake St. Clair’s major
ting later and later. In the last couple     outboard engine retailers as well as cer-                  >80º - 49%
of years, I’ve known people to not have      tified mechanics. Here are his thoughts      >70º - 47%
their boat in the water until the end of     about hazards of the cold weather we
June!                                        need to consider....
                                             Once we launch in the spring and
          I spoke with Eric Foster of Belle  the boat is “unwinterized”, should
Maer Harbor, one of our largest mari-        I worry about the occasional freezing
nas on Lake St. Clair. Because of hav-       temperatures?
ing two hoists at their location, they are   Anytime the temperature falls below          NOAA April Temperature History @
able to launch about 40 boats a day.                                                      Detroit City Airport from 1967 - 2013
Smaller marinas, however, will take lon-     freezing, water systems, including, why not get the boat in early     csdiieofcpIsnsapoonforglwlomrglwdtiipaidnhwnpnnregaewresmhtrmro,osaeleithoea,ymedtnoanhTalrretudgtpaeh?vilmcrtrstoeeteu.ehehennovrbmaedeogserttite.etnaopehwiwibcfnlialsdeeosoeaa,trnattt.mattaihhharaoseehvtdnkeeeessrrt-oI mldutewtmIwifnohcxaiogeyhttthewonerFctnuHtiirraahsondreentknsrteoeabkeroadztoaosaresir,isnanpzdmsbittgewveoiosii-erat,nsfatweiirsoitotcehmgmsaridheasotpa,aezgiaslmnerrespI.gagnyoortococbsorortrtootooewpeehcmdaemrasoterpirphirdsllsltrmdpoayt/abfiI.nn.o.wcnck.e.e.rstbeftininwoeaocottrnpeoaseefrrdtizercfwBwiibettrI-nnserhreoimoxeosaeeegapaupmkastatlpaen.nthltaenattztpsbWieeorndhsewrboofroudiaabswnietanartntilrfyfegnbrrehlaiertodayssgntboeeatrI.nte,tematebehrsitbrizlnaeeineopdditontatnlbweasdcetlmaygeyoomrirutsfbafrsewoasseerattetsrrelaseuaasgtdlleaaetoomlnre?stoterfazewwddoooeesrtf-.
and avoid a potential launch delay? If                out of the water due to the ef- at a much greater risk of damage from
the weather is chilly, o.k., do something             fects of the surrounding water freezing temperatures then outboards,
else. But, looking at the last almost 50
years, we see a lot of very warm tem-
peratures in April. Also, I read the
Farmer's Almanac online for 2014 and
they are predicting a warmer spring
than normal, and a hotter summer than
normal for this season!


                                             temperatures. While this may due to their ability to hold water in cool-
                                             hold true in certain times, i.e. ing passages, such as manifolds, blocks,
                                             in the fall when water temps and coolers. Basically every outboard
                                             are still warmer then spring is a self-draining unit when stored in

                                                                                          the vertical position. If the out-

                                             Jason got this seven pound!                  board powered boat is left in the
                                             smallmouth bass, 23.75"                      water during freezing conditions,
                                             long with a girth of 18" in                  it is best to leave the motor in the
                                                                                          down position in the water, unless
                                             Anchor Bay!
                                                                                          the surrounding water is getting to

                                                                                          the point of icing around the boat

                                                                                          and outboard unit.

Returning to Lake St. Clair,                                                                  The biggest problem we see
                                                                                          with outboards and cold tempera-
these Ohio friends had a
                                                                                          tures are when the outboard is tak-

great week in July!                                                                       en out of the water and the water
                                                                                          pump components are exposed to

                                                                                          freezing air temperatures. While it
Jim is unlikely anything will crack, usu-
                                                                                          ally any residual water can cause

                                                                                          components such as water pump

                                                                                          impellers to freeze to their stain-

                                                                                          less steel housings. If an outboard

                                                                                          is used in these extreme condi-

                                                                                          tions it is best to immediately trim

                                                                   time temps,            the motor into the down position after
                                                                   I believe it
                                                                   is in the best         removal from the water, allowing water
                                                                   interest of            to naturally drain from any water cavi-
                                                                   the boater to          ties in the unit.

                                                                                          Continued on page 40 ......

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