Page 32 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 32

Discover the                          The crew diagnoses the problem


         ON LAKE ST. CLAIR

           Boat                                 50th Anniversary of                  the front of the island, which has
                                                   Local Boat Club                   been appropriately named "The Bel-
           Dine                                                                      videre Light" and is also registered
                                                          Located at the entrance    on the nautical charts and is still
           Shop                                 to Lake St. Clair at the end of the  there today after several re-builds
                                                North Channel is Belvidere Boat      through the years to bring it up to
 ST. CLAIR SHORES, MICHIGAN                     Club. When the club originated in    date.                        1964, it was known as the "Beer-
      Ron                                       Caneers". The first meetings of the            Through the years, BBC has
                                                Club were held in a house rented     grown with the dedicated help of
from Indiana                                    from Gentz Marina (see photo next    Continued on page 33.....
   with his                                     page). The name was soon
  Sturgeon                                      changed to Belvidere Boat
    in July                                     Club because Belvidere Bay
                                                was the geographical lo-
                                      then....  cation where most of the
                                 came back for  Club Members moored or
                                                met at…. (Lake St. Clair's
                                   his Muskie   Belvidere Bay is the small
                                  in September  bay just to the north of the
                                                Clinton River, inside south-
                                                ern Anchor Bay).

                                                          In 1972, the Club
                                                moved onward and upward
                                                in the boating community
                                                and purchased the current
                                                property on the North Chan-
                                                nel. A seawall was con-
                                                structed, a flagpole erected
                                                and a year after year, there

                                                     was noted progress.
                                                     Eventually, canals were
                                                     dredged, fill dirt added,
                                                     docks built, electrical
                                                     service installed and
                                                     the membership con-
                                                     tinued to grow.

                                                          After many years
                                                     of negotiating, a mir-
                                                     acle happened in June
                                                     of 1977. The Club pur-
                                                     chased the adjoining
                                                     lot making a complete
                                                     island. At this same
                                                     time, another dream
                                                     was realized with the
                                                     purchase of a building
                                                     from Poor Man's Yacht
                                                     Club for $1.00. This
                                                     became the clubhouse
                                                     after having it moved
                                                     from one island to the

                                                          In 1982, the Club
                                                     erected a lighthouse at

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