Page 12 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 12

that track hurricanes and are used in weather forecasting.  I wrote and edited
            news, feature, and technical articles for release to the media and for technical


            Before that, I was a Supervisory Writer/Editor at U.S. Marine Corps

            Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.  I was managing editor of Marines
            magazine, a full-color monthly magazine distributed to Marines around the
            world.  I also wrote speeches for the Commandant of the Marine Corps and
            other general offices.

            Prior to that, I was a Public Affairs Specialist at the Naval Research
            Laboratory in Washington, D.C.  I served as media officer: developed press
            releases on various scientific and technical topics; conducted press briefings;

            and responded to media queries.  The topics included significant advances in
            scientific and technical research in areas such as radar, electronics, remote
            sensing and oceanography.

            I began my civilian career as a Writer/Editor at the National Weather Service
            in Silver Spring, Maryland.  Before joining the civil service, I proudly served

            on active duty in the United States Air Force from 1975 to 1979.  I was a
            Public Information Specialist at Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, New York.  I
            received a special assignment to England to write an article on the European
            Defense Communications System, which serves the United States and its

            Allies.  The article received top honors in an Air Force competition.  My
            education includes: A Master of Arts in Management from Central Michigan
            University; a Master of Science in Public Relations/Mass Communications

            from Syracuse University; a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Temple
            University; and an Associate of Applied Science in Electronics/Meteorological
            Equipment from the Community College of the Air Force.

                                          U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

            I am Kathleen Adams, the current Region II Vice President for the National

            Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in the United
            States.  NARFE Region II consists of Delaware, District of Columbia,
            Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

            As the Wing Budget Officer at Dover Air Force Base, I managed 17 separate

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