Page 16 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 16
public. Upon my retirement from federal service, I was awarded the
Department of the Army Meritorious Civilian Service Award.
I am Sharon Caba and I worked for the Department of Defense, United
States Navy, Navy Ships Parts Control Center, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Employed as a Training Development Specialist from 1984-2006, I was
instrumental in developing a collaboration with our local community college
to offer college courses, onsite, during working hours, to enable employees to
obtain an Associate degree in Business Management. The program extended
to a partnership with LaSalle University in Philadelphia, to make it possible
for employees to obtain a Bachelor in Business.
The Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act mandated that certain
job specialties have a degree in a business-related field; the government paid
the tuition and granted work time to attend classes onsite. Many employees
were obtaining their degrees at the same time as their own children and it
became quite a competition for grades! Approximately 50 employees received
Bachelor’s degrees and hundreds of others received Associate degrees. This
was made possible through the cooperation of Management and the Union,
supporting their employees in the goal of lifelong learning.
I am James Claffey and I served in the Navy Department’s Ship Design
Agency. As an engineer, I worked in the Bureau of Ships, Naval Sea
Engineering Center, and Naval Sea Systems Command. During that time, I
helped design several nuclear attack submarines and several nuclear missile
submarines. I later switched to computer work and did ship design in that
area, determining the characteristics of proposed and new designs and
developing software to generate ship plans, including training other engineers
to use these programs. I helped train the Agency employees in the use of
computers and provided help for users with our computer systems. I acted as
Systems Manager of our computer cluster, and also as Database Manager of
our large database. Later I provided programming on administrative systems
such as maintaining records of our personnel and their positions, time in
grade, ratings, and other items. I helped keep our nation safe and secure.
I am Randolph Clarke and I worked in the Department of Defense for the
U.S. Naval Observatory's (USNO) Time Service. The Observatory, located on
Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C., is the primary source of a time
and frequency for the Defense Department. I began in the mid-1960s as a