Page 18 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 18
I am Charles A. Countess a Veteran, and I served at the Department of
Defense (DoD) for 31 years, beginning with the Ronald Regan administration
through the Barack Obama administration.
I worked for the Defense Contract Management Agency and served as a
Contract Administrator. I was assigned to an administrative team responsible
for the administration of Government contracts for one or more contractors
Prior to retirement, I worked as a Procurement Analyst for the same agency. I
ensured that Government contractors with annual Government sales of $25
million or more and issuing sub contracts had approved Government
Purchasing Systems in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations.
During the course of my career, I received my Certified Acquisition
Professional in the Acquisition Field Level II, August 1994. I also received
the Defense Certificate of Recognition for Acquisition Innovation in 2001. I
am a veteran of the U.S. Army and a U.S. Army Reserve E-7.
I am Erin Counts a Veteran, and I served in the Department of Defense. I
worked as an Electronic Cryptographic Specialist and Communication
Specialist. I provided Installation and Repair of all U.S. Army Cryptographic
assets throughout the Military District of Washington, D.C., including all
North Atlantic Treaty Organization member Embassies. In addition, I worked
with the management of the Washington, D.C.-Moscow hotline and treaty-
driven activities, including all Army Communications activities within the
Pentagon, for the security of our nation.
I am Jannet Cunningham and I worked at the Department of Defense, U.S.
Airforce Space Division in California. I also worked at the Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA). I worked for the Workforce, Audits and Legislative Affairs of
J71 in DLA Acquisition as a Procurement Analyst. As an expert in
Procurement systems and functional and business capabilities, I was
responsible for Business Process Procurement.
I played a major role in determining how Procurement processes were
executed, including system changes or other process improvements. I served
as lead specialist over Procurement process issues and problems of
particularly high visibility and criticality to the agency. My assignments
included the broadest types of process issues and those activities with the
most substantial potential impact to enterprise-wide Procurement process
areas. In addition, I identified areas for system or process improvement based