Page 22 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 22

Programmer, Supply Systems Analyst, Functional Analyst, Logical Database
            Designer, and went from a GS-2 to a GS-12 before my retirement.

            Every advancement gave me more knowledge and responsibility.  I can truly
            say I enjoyed my entire career and feel I was an important part in all the jobs

            and projects I worked on.  Twice during my career, I worked on major projects
            trying to consolidate the Supply Systems. I tested the Rapid Acquisition of
            Manufactured Parts (RAMP), which was the beginning of just in time
            manufacturing. I prepared the Naval Logistics Library on CD-ROM for

            publication and distribution, saving printing and mailing large volumes of
            printed publications. I worked on Advanced Tracking and Control (ATAC-
            Navy) to track expensive Repairable Equipment.  I was a Lead Analyst on the

            Bangor RFID ERP Design and Implementation of a Warehouse Enterprise
            using SAP at the BANGOR Trident Warehouse in Washington.  This led to
            successful implementation and went on to a major implementation of the
            entire ERP (Enterprise Resource Program) Naval Supply System using SAP.  I

            was able to travel to many locations.  My favorite part of this job was
            providing training and support to the employees, using the systems I was

            involved in designing and developing.

            I am Dr. Patti Gillespie and I worked for the Department of Defense (Army)
            for most of my career, as a civil servant for the Army Research Laboratory

            from 1989 until my retirement in 2014.  I am a current member of NARFE
            Chapter 1734.

            I earned a BS in Astronomy from Ohio State University (1973), an MS in

            1975 and a Ph.D. in Physics (1983) from New Mexico State University. As a
            scientist, my research helped to make soldiers safer by giving them better
            tools with which to do their job.

            My research was primarily in molecular spectroscopy and my expertise was
            first employed in the “Star Wars” program in the 1980s. During the 1990s and

            2000s, I worked in target acquisition research, developing software models to
            test various limitations of weapons and automatic target recognition. In 2007,
            I became an Associate Division Chief for the Electro-Optics and Photonics
            Division of the Army Research Laboratory.

            In 1995, I received the Trailblazer Award from the State of New Mexico for
            opening doors of opportunity to the future of New Mexico Women. In 2005, I
            was honored to become a Fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics

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