Page 24 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 24
transferred to Federal Aviation. In a joint program with the Air Force, I
supervised and coordinated a program to obtain security clearance
reinvestigations for over 6,000 employees. I provided security training to
field technicians and performed classified equipment inspections nationally
for the Identification Friend or Foe Program.
I am Steven Habeger and I served in the Department of Defense, with the
United States Navy. As an Engineer, I joined a dedicated group of men and
women who managed ejection seat systems in Navy and Marine Corps
aircraft. The Vietnam War was underway and we were very busy assuring our
systems were trustworthy for our dedicated military air crewmen. Cartridges
full of gunpowder-like compounds were produced by the hundreds on lowest-
bidder contracts. Our mission included testing a “statistically significant”
number of cartridges so that we (and the pilots) could have high confidence in
the system, which can be their last hope of surviving a disaster. While all the
pieces of ejection seats, parachutes, and other equipment are made by private
industry, Federal employees ensured that the assembled systems worked as
well as possible. I am proud to have served for our nation’s safety.
I am Robert R. Hardy Jr. and I served in the Naval Sea Systems Command,
Carderock Division in Bethesda, Maryland. As a Materials Engineer, I had a
35-year career in federal service in science and technology. I worked as
Director of College Recruiting and Outreach, the Innovation Center, and
Senior Staff Engineer for Technology, Strategic Planning, Personnel, and
Facilities. I also served as Program Manager, Materials Technology Research
and Development (R&D) Engineer/Manager, Titanium Technology Program
Office, and Assistant to Director, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA),
HQ, Ship Systems R&D Directorate. In federal management, I planned,
organized and conducted numerous technical programs and projects
advancing science and technology. I managed $10+ million Ship Materials
Technology program for over 10 years, interacting with academia and industry
and transitioning the new products and processes to meet Navy needs. I
successfully led and managed the relocation of over 200 engineers and was
one of the lead contacts for the design and construction of a $30 million,
150,000 square foot Materials Laboratory.
My colleagues and I provided day-to-day engineering solutions and developed
cutting-edge technology for all of the Navy’s ships, submarines, and craft