Page 23 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 23

and photonics.

            I am Virginia L. Giordano and I retired from the U.S. Army War College in
            Carlisle, Pennsylvania, after 21 years of federal service.  Although I had 15
            years’ experience as a legal secretary, my first position was in a typing pool.

            The Army has its way of doing things.  By the way, the typing pool was
            closed many years ago. I left my position as a legal secretary to three
            attorneys because I married my husband, who was the Chief of Police of

            Carlisle Borough, and there were many opportunities where there may have
            been a conflict of interest, so I took my civil service exam and went to the War
            College.  The opportunities vary in a college from other government positions.
            I applied for new jobs every chance I got to be promoted.  I was a secretary in

            the Administration Office of the Strategic Studies Institute, and moved on
            from there to be secretary to two LTCs, one of whom was the Deputy
            Secretary of the War College, and the other was the Deputy Chief of Staff of

            the War College.

            I left that position to become a public affairs specialist in the Public Affairs

            Office of the War College, where I remained until I retired.  The year I retired,
            I joined NARFE, which I had never known about until then.  I accepted the
            job as Financial Secretary almost immediately, and after 23 years, am still in
            that spot.  Now, I serve also as the Acting Secretary of the Chapter, Public

            Relations Chair, Program Coordinator, and for the past several years, I have
            served as chairman of our Chapter’s Annual Picnic and our Christmas
            Luncheon.  In 2019, our chapter will observe its 65  Anniversary and I am
            also coordinating that activity.  Our biggest problem for our chapter is
            obtaining and retaining members, which is a problem for all of NARFE.  In
            2000, I was elected the Pennsylvania Federation Secretary and am still in that
            position.  I have served with six Federation Presidents, the current one being

            Lawrence Palecek.

            I am Jo Anne Groves and I served in the Department of the Navy and the
            Federal Aviation Administration. While at the Naval Audit Service, my
            contribution to our nation came in many forms.  I managed all aspects of the
            National Security Program, assuring that command personnel, facilities,

            equipment, and information were in strict compliance with national security.  I
            provided training to all personnel including acting as Armed Forces Protection
            Officer for international military assignments. After the horrors of 9/11, I

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