Page 13 - profiles 2019 working copy containing all bios as of Feb 20 final version
P. 13
budgets for the Department of the Air Force, Headquarters 436th Military
Airlift Wing. Under my leadership, because of technical skills, devotion to
duty, and willingness to assume all this responsibility, the Budget Office
received commendations from our Headquarters, Military Airlift Wing on its
superior financial management. I am proud to have served our nation as a
federal employee for 35 years.
I am Dr. Harvey Alperin and I served at the Department of Defense (DoD).
Soon after earning my Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut, I served at
the Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory in New London, Connecticut, on
underwater transducer design and modeling. I have also worked at the Naval
Surface Weapons Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, doing basic research in
materials science. I was one of the Navy Managers of the Department of
Defense program with industry, on development of very high speed integrated
circuits. After retirement, I volunteered at Blair High School in Silver Spring,
Maryland, where I taught advanced physics courses in the magnet program for
exceptional students. As one of DoD’s cadre of civilian scientists, I believe we
helped make our military as well as our civilian industry unequaled in the
I am Rosemary Bailey and I served at the Department of Defense. I worked
with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, Civilian
Contracting Division, Environmental Team, as Purchasing Agent for 34 years.
For the Corps, I served as data transcriber, coding data entry and processing
payments to architect engineers firms and contractors; as contracts examiner,
creating and editing contracts modifications and logs; as procurement
technician, creating delivery orders, contract modifications and closeouts; and
as purchasing agent, creating purchasing orders, solicitations and delivery
orders. I efficiently processed all government credit card purchases. I also
served with Wyman Park Veterans Hospital in the Medical Records and
Admitting Room, pulling medical records for upcoming and current veteran
appointments, and drawing out file lab reports for Emergency Room patient
I am Promila Banik and I served in the Department of Defense with the
Naval Medical Center, now Walter Reed Medical Center, in Bethesda,
Maryland. As a Registered Nurse and Phlebotomist, I drew blood from
patients for diagnosis. I also worked in the Laboratory as a Lab Technician,