Page 20 - E-Book
P. 20

have provided you with,” and they did not wrong Us but they
                                                                                              wronged themselves.

                                                                                              58.  And  when  We  said:  “Enter  this  town  and  eat  from  it
                                                                                              wherever you wish, plentifully, and enter the gate bowing down
                                                                                              (with humility), and say: ‘Put down our sins,’ (in order that) We
                                                                                              shall forgive your sins, and We shall increase (the reward) for
                                                                                              the doers of good.”
                                                                                              59. But those who did wrong changed this saying for another,
                                                                                              different from what had been said to them; so We sent down
                                                                                              upon  the  wrong-doers  a  plague  from  heaven,  because  they
                                                                                              used to disobey repeatedly.
                                                                                              60. And when Mūsā asked for water for his people, We said:
                                                                                              “Strike the rock with your staff.” Then twelve springs gushed
                                                                                              forth from it; each tribe knew well its own place for water. “Eat
                                                                                              and drink out of the provisions of Allah, and act not corruptly on
                                                                                              the land, making mischief.”
              2                                                                               168.  Wahai  sekalian  manusia!  Makanlah  daripada  apa  yang
                                                                                              ada di bumi yang halal lagi baik, dan janganlah kamu ikut jejak
                                                                                              langkah syaitan, kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu ialah musuh
                                                                                              yang terang dan nyata bagi kamu.

                                                                                              168. O men! Eat of what is lawful and good on the earth, and
                                                                                              follow not the footsteps of the Evil One; surely, he is an enemy
                                                                                              to you clear.
                                                                                              118. Maka makanlah daripada (sembelihan binatang-binatang
                                                                                              halal)  yang  disebut  nama  Allah  ketika  menyembelihnya,  jika
                                                                                              kamu beriman kepada ayat-ayat-Nya.
                                                                                              119.  Mengapa  kamu  tidak  mahu  memakan  daripada
                                                                                              (sembelihan binatang-binatang halal) yang disebut nama Allah
                                                                                              ketika  menyembelihnya,  padahal  Allah  telahmenerangkan
                                                                                              secara jelas kepada kamu apa yang diharamkan-Nya kepada
                                                                                              kamu, kecuali  apa  yang kamu terpaksa memakannya?
                                                                                              Sesungguhnya kebanyakan (manusia)  benar-benar hendak
                                                                                              menyesatkan  (orang  lain)  dengan  hawa  nafsu  mereka  tanpa
                                                                                              berdasarkan  pengetahuan.  Sesungguhnya  Tuhanmu,  Dialah
                                                                                              yang lebih mengetahui akan orang yang melampaui batas.

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