Page 24 - E-Book
P. 24

282.O  you  who  believe!  When  you  contract  a  debt  one  upon
                                                                                             another for a fixed term, then write it down. And let the writer
                                                                                             between you write it down with justice. And let not the writer
                                                                                             refuse to write as Allah has taught him (to write), then let him write
                                                                                             it down. And let him upon whom is the liability dictate, and let him
                                                                                             fear his Lord, and let him not depreciate anything from it. But if he
                                                                                             upon whom is the liability is lacking in understanding, or is infirm,
                                                                                             or is incapable of dictating by himself, then let his guardian dictate
                                                                                             with justice. And two male witnesses among you should witness
                                                                                             it; but if there are not two males (available) then let there be a
                                                                                             male and two female witnesses out of those you choose, in order
                                                                                             that if one of them (females) be in error, the other of them may
                                                                                             be able to remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse (to give
                                                                                             evidence) when they are called, and be not negligent in writing
                                                                                             it down whether it (the loan) is small or large to a fixed term.
                                                                                             This is more equitable with Allah, and is better suited to establish
                                                                                             evidence, and is more likely to prevent your falling into doubts,
                                                                                             except it is a cash transaction which passes from hand to hand
                                                                                             among yourselves, then there is no blame on you if you write it
                                                                                             not. And have witnesses when you trade with one another, and
                                                                                             let not the writer or the witness be harmed. And if you do so, then
                                                                                             that is a sin on your part. And fear Allah; and Allah teaches you;
                                                                                             and Allah knows everything.

              3                                                                              18. Allah menerangkan (kepada sekalian  makhluk-Nya dengan
                                                                                             dalil dan bukti) bahawasanya tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah)
                                                                                             melainkan Dia yang sentiasa mentadbirkan (seluruh alam) dengan
                                                                                             keadilan, demikian juga malaikat-malaikat dan orang yang berilmu
                                                                                             (mengakui  dan  menegaskan  juga  yang  demikian).  Tiada  Tuhan
                                                                                             (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Maha Perkasa lagi
                                                                                             Maha Bijaksana.
                                                                                             18. Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and (so do) the
                                                                                             angels and those possessed of knowledge; in (perfect) justice does
                                                                                             He maintain His creation. There is no god but He, the All-Mighty,
                                                                                             the All-Wise.

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