P. 132

130    Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

            For the Year Ended September 30, 2024.
            Expressed in millions of Trinidad and Tobago dollars, except where otherwise stated.

            4.  Advances (continued)
                d   Impairment allowance for advances to customers (continued)

                                                    Retail   corporate                          Credit
                   2023                            lending    lending  Mortgages  Overdrafts    cards       Total

                   Stage 2: Lifetime ECL
                   ECL allowance as at October 1, 2022    8       150        89          14         19       280
                   Translation adjustments               –         (4)        9          6          14        25
                   ECL on new instruments issued
                     during the year                     1          3         (6)        2          (2)        (2)
                   Other credit loss movements,
                     repayments etc.                    (2)        (6)       (29)        (3)        –         (40)

                   At September 30, 2023                 7        143        63          19         31        263

                   Stage 3: Credit-impaired financial
                     assets - Lifetime ECL
                   ECL allowance as at October 1, 2022    137     424        317        25         56        959
                   Translation adjustments               11        (1)       (76)        (2)        5         (63)
                   Charge-offs and write-offs          (52)       (90)       (32)        4         (22)      (192)
                   Credit loss expense                 100        159        114         (2)       107       478
                   Recoveries                          (30)       (33)       (40)        –         (12)       (115)

                   At September 30, 2023               166        459        283        25         134      1,067

                   Total                               274        693       478         79         217       1,741

                e   Restructured/Modified loans
                   Within the retail and credit card portfolios, management will in the normal course of business modify the terms and
                   conditions of facilities in the case of difficulties by the borrower. These modifications rarely result in an impairment loss
                   and if it does, it is not material.

                   The Group occasionally makes modifications to the original terms of large commercial and corporate loans as a response
                   to the borrower’s financial difficulties, rather than taking possession or to otherwise enforce collection of collateral. These
                   modifications are made only when the Group believes the borrower is likely to meet the modified terms and conditions.
                   Indicators of financial difficulties include defaults on covenants, overdue payments or significant concerns raised by the
                   Credit Risk Department. Once the terms have been renegotiated, any impairment is measured using the original EIR as
                   calculated before the modification of terms.

                   Restructured loans are carefully monitored. Restructured large commercial and corporate loans are classified as Stage 2
                   and amounted to $139.8 million as at September 30, 2024 (2023: $242.5 million).
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