P. 156

154    Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
            For the Year Ended September 30, 2024.
            Expressed in millions of Trinidad and Tobago dollars, except where otherwise stated.

            22. Risk management (continued)
                22.2  Credit risk (continued)
                    22.2.1  Analysis of risk concentration (continued)

                          b  Geographical sectors
                             The Group’s maximum credit exposure, after taking account of credit loss provisions established but before
                             taking into account any collateral held or other credit enhancements, can be analysed by the following
                             geographical regions based on the country of domicile of its counterparties:

                                                                                                2024        2023

                             Trinidad and Tobago                                                49,111      48,733
                             Barbados                                                           10,348      10,252
                             Eastern Caribbean                                                  13,774     12,300
                             Guyana                                                              11,463     9,832
                             United States                                                       8,751       9,212
                             Europe                                                             6,562       2,962
                             Suriname                                                            2,354       2,173
                             Ghana                                                                  51      3,322
                             Cayman Islands                                                      9,741      8,563
                             Other countries                                                     8,697      8,796

                                                                                               120,852     116,145

                    22.2.2  Impairment assessment
                          Financial asset provisions are reviewed quarterly in accordance with established guidelines and recommended
                          provisions arising out of this review are submitted to the Board for approval. Non-performing debts recommended
                          for write-off are also reviewed annually and action taken in accordance with prescribed guidelines. The Group’s
                          impairment assessment and measurement approach is set out below.

                    22.2.3  Default and recovery
                          The Group generally considers a financial instrument defaulted and therefore Stage 3 (credit-impaired) for ECL
                          calculations in cases when the borrower becomes 90 days past due on its contractual payments.

                          As a part of a qualitative assessment of whether a customer is in default, the Group also considers a variety
                          of instances that may indicate unlikeliness to pay. When such events occur, the Group carefully considers
                          whether the event should result in treating the customer as defaulted and therefore assessed as Stage 3 for ECL
                          calculations or whether Stage 2 is appropriate.

                          It is the Group’s policy to consider a financial instrument as ‘recovered’ and therefore re-classified out of Stage
                          3 when none of the default criteria have been present for at least six consecutive months. The decision whether
                          to classify an asset as Stage 2 or Stage 1 once recovered depends on the updated credit grade, at the time of
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