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        22. Risk management (continued)
            22.2  Credit risk (continued)
                22.2.7  Analysis of gross carrying amount and corresponding ECLs are as follows: (continued)
                      Advances (continued)

                      In response to global economic uncertainty exacerbated by high inflation and rising interest rates, the Group
                      undertook a review of its loan portfolios, determining the high-risk sectors and the ECL for each. The review
                      considered the macroeconomic outlook, customer credit quality, type and value of collateral held, exposure at
                      default and the effect of payment deferral options as at the reporting date.

                      The ECL methodology and definition of default remained consistent with prior periods. Calculation inputs,
                      including forward looking information, together with the determination of the staging of exposures were
                      however revised.

                                                Retail   corporate                          Credit
                      2024                     lending    lending  Mortgages  Overdrafts    cards       Total

                      Stage 1
                      Gross loans                7,945      15,895     33,416     3,068       1,527     61,851
                      ECL                          (103)      (82)       (112)      (41)       (44)      (382)

                                                 7,842      15,813     33,304     3,027      1,483     61,469

                      ECL as a % of gross loans      1.3      0.6        0.4        1.4        2.9        0.7


                      Stage 1
                      Gross loans                 7,141     13,671     29,712     3,024      1,320     54,868
                      ECL                          (101)       (91)      (132)      (35)       (52)       (411)

                                                 7,040      13,580     29,580     2,989      1,268     54,457

                      ECL as a % of gross loans      1.4      0.7        0.4        1.2        3.9        0.7

                      The increase in Stage 1 ECLs is as a result of the improvement in credit quality leading to lower PDs and LGDs.

                                                Retail   corporate                          Credit
                      2024                     lending    lending  Mortgages  Overdrafts    cards       Total

                      Stage 2
                      Gross loans                  109       1,675      1,292      589         291      3,956
                      ECL                           (7)       (56)       (43)       (46)       (18)      (170)

                                                  102        1,619     1,249       543        273       3,786

                      ECL as a % of gross loans     6.5       3.4        3.4        7.8        6.2        4.3
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164