P. 162

160    Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
            For the Year Ended September 30, 2024.
            Expressed in millions of Trinidad and Tobago dollars, except where otherwise stated.

            22. Risk management (continued)
                22.3  Liquidity risk (continued)

                    The Asset/Liability Committee (ALCO) sets targets for daily float, allowable liquid assets and funding diversification in
                    line with system liquidity trends. While the primary asset used for short-term liquidity management is the Treasury Bill,
                    the Group also holds significant investments in other Government securities, which can be used for liquidity support.
                    The Group continually balances the need for short-term assets, which have lower yields, with the need for higher asset

                    22.3.1  Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities
                          The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s financial liabilities at September 30 based on
                          contractual undiscounted repayment obligations, over the remaining life of those liabilities. These balances
                          include interest to be paid over the remaining life of the liabilities and will therefore be greater than the carrying
                          amounts on the Consolidated statement of financial position. Refer to Note 28 for a maturity analysis of assets
                          and liabilities.

                          Financial liabilities - on Consolidated statement of financial position
                                                                  On     Up to one     1 to 5     Over 5
                          2024                                demand        year      years      years      Total

                          Due to banks                            428         35         –          –        463
                          Customers’ current, savings
                             and deposit accounts              80,046      13,603     2,326      1,070     97,045
                          Other fund raising instruments           –       2,800        771         –        3,571
                          Debt securities in issue                  –        59        292        1,353     1,704
                          Lease liabilities                         –        157       235        479         871
                          Other liabilities                       732        359        74         123      1,288

                          Total un-discounted financial
                            liabilities                        81,206      17,013     3,698      3,025    104,942


                          Due to banks                            295         3          –          –        298
                          Customers’ current, savings
                            and deposit accounts                77,448     11,001     2,002         –      90,451
                          Other fund raising instruments           –        2,961      752          –        3,713
                          Debt securities in issue                  –       605        1,217       45       1,867
                          Lease liabilities                         5        104        172       260         541
                          Other liabilities                       625       284         79         66       1,054

                          Total un-discounted financial
                            liabilities                        78,373     14,958      4,222        371     97,924
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167