P. 167


        22. Risk management (continued)
            22.5  Operational risk (continued)

                  Managing cybersecurity related threats across the RFHL Group remains a major priority. As part of the Group’s business
                strategy in reducing cyber risk exposure, cybersecurity is embedded in the design of technology and services prior
                to deployment. The Group’s Enterprise Risk Management Committee is responsible for overseeing cybersecurity risks
                and  maintaining  cybersecurity  risk  appetite.  Mechanisms  are  in  place  across  the  Group  to  predict,  prevent,  detect
                and respond against cyber threats and where appropriate, risk is transferred by the placement of adequate insurance

        23. Related parties
            Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence
            over the other party in making financial or operating decisions. A number of banking transactions are entered into with
            related parties in the normal course of business. These transactions are both secured and unsecured and were carried out on
            commercial terms and conditions, at market rates.  The advances, investments and other assets are gross of ECLs.

                                                                                            2024        2023

            Advances, investments and other assets
            Associates                                                                          11         2
            Directors and key management personnel                                           460          415
            Other related parties                                                             263         183

                                                                                              734        600

            Deposits and other liabilities
            Directors and key management personnel                                             175        165
            Other related parties                                                              381        214

                                                                                              556         379

            Interest and other income
            Associates                                                                         10          12
            Directors and key management personnel                                             42          32
            Other related parties                                                              30          17

                                                                                               82          61

            Interest and other expense
            Directors and key management personnel                                             20          21
            Other related parties                                                              64          14

                                                                                               84          35
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172