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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report   Page        1
                                                Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd                     Revision      01
                                                  Executive Summary                     Date        Aug 2019

                                           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

               1.  Introduction

                   1.1  Name and Address of the Installation

                         Ranhill SAJ Sdn. Bhd.
                         Kampung Tengah 1 & Kampung Tengah 2 Water Treatment Plant,
                         Jalan Kolam Air, Kampung Tengah,
                         85000 Segamat, Johor, Malaysia.

                   1.2  Preparation of Report

                         This is the  updated  CIMAH  Report for  Ranhill SAJ  Sdn. Bhd. (RSAJ)
                         Kampung Tengah 1 & Kampung Tengah 2 (KT1 & KT2) Water Treatment
                         Plant (WTP). On-site assessment was conducted by the CIMAH competent
                         person as part of preparation for this report.

                   1.3  The Activities Involved with the Hazardous Substance

                         For the water treatment process, Chlorine is utilized in the water treatment
                         plant  for  water purification process  and disinfection  to control any
                         pathogenic organism in the water before it is supplied to consumers. Under
                         Schedule 2, Group 2 of the CIMAH Regulations, Chlorine is regarded as a
                         toxic substance that could pose a major hazard if the quantity available on-
                         site is greater the 10 tonnes. The amount of Chlorine available at the KT1 &
                         KT2 WTP has exceeded the CIMAH Regulations 1996 threshold quantity,
                         thus it is subject to the CIMAH Regulations 1996 for full compliance.

                         Besides Chlorine, Sodium Silicofluoride is also dosed at the treated water
                         to prevent tooth decay. It is classified  as other toxic substances under
                         Schedule 1, Item 2 of the CIMAH Regulations 1996. However, the storage
                         and use of Sodium Silicofluoride at the water treatment plant are unlikely to
                         give rise to a major accident hazard.
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