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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report   Page        4
                                                Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd                     Revision      01
                                                  Executive Summary                     Date        Aug 2019

                          A preliminary hazard analysis  is  performed  and  concluded that Sodium
                          Silicofluoride poses a localized hazard, therefore not capable of producing
                          major accident hazard.

                          The physical and  chemical properties of Chlorine  and Sodium
                          Silicofluoride is described in detail in Part A.

                          Liquid Chlorine supplied by a manufacturer, brought to the plant in a
                          standard 68 kg cylinder (KT1 WTP) and 930 kg drum (KT2 WTP). Chlorine
                          is a toxic gas. It can enter the human body through the nasal passage if
                          present in the atmosphere. Small quantity  of gas inhaled can cause
                          sickness and large quantity inhaled can cause death or situation that can
                          cause immediate danger to life and health.

                   3.2.2  Part B: Information on the Installation

                          KT1 & KT2 WTP is situated two (2) km from Segamat town and occupies
                          approximately seven (7) ha of land in Kampung Tengah, Segamat, Johor.

                          A site plan showing the location of the Chlorine  Room  where  Chlorine
                          cylinders and  drums  are  stored and  then finally  be used in  the water
                          treatment process. KT1 & KT2 WTP processes raw water from Segamat
                          River  to remove contaminants  and  undesirable components  before it is
                          distributed to the consumers. Chlorine is stored for use as a disinfectant
                          for the water treatment process. KT1 & KT2 WTP is designed to process
                          45 million liters per day (MLD) capacity (KT1: 13.1 MLD, KT2: 31.36 MLD).

                          The  Plant is manned  24 hours and seven  days a week throughout the
                          year. The  manning requirement is managed by the Human Resource

                   3.2.3  Part C: Information on the System of Management

                          The  Chlorine  handling equipment and  buildings are designed, selected,
                          constructed and maintained based on the established standards and take
                          into consideration  that there is a potential for accidents or incidents
                          involving Chlorine gas leak. Chlorine gas detection and alarm systems are
                          installed in the Chlorine storage and chlorination room.
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