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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report   Page        2
                                                Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd                     Revision      01
                                                  Executive Summary                     Date        Aug 2019

               2.  Objective of the Industrial Activity Report

                   This report of Industrial Activity has been prepared for RSAJ KT1 & KT2  WTP
                   located at Jalan Kolam Air, Kampung Tengah, 85000 Segamat, Johor, Malaysia.
                   This report  was  compiled in  August  2019  to comply with Regulation 16  of the
                   Occupational Safety and Health (Control of Industrial Major Accident
                   Hazards) Regulations 1996.

                   The purpose of this report is to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health
                   (Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Regulations 1996, the aim of which
                   is to describe the  hazardous substance stored on  site, the installation and its
                   surroundings and the system of safety management in place. This report is also
                   aimed to identify the elements of management in place, to identify the source of
                   potential major accidents and their threat to the installation and the public, the
                   preventive measures that are in place, and the actions to minimize the effects in
                   the event  of  such an  accident occurs.  The  objective is met  by identifying and
                   assessing all the major hazards on site, reviewing the existing control measures
                   or safeguards and quantifying the risk from these hazards in the event the major
                   accident event occurs. Subsequently, the report serves as a tool for the operator
                   of the plant to  manage their major hazards activities as  well as for auditing

               3.  Structure of the Industrial Activity Report

                   3.1  Compliance and Report Format

                         This report on Industrial Activity is presented in line with the requirements
                         under subregulation 14(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health (Control
                         of Industrial Major Accident Hazards)  Regulations 1996. The  adopted
                         format is set out in the same order as that specified in Schedule 6 of the
                         Regulations. This report is divided into four parts, i.e. Part A, B, C, and D.
                         Part A details the hazardous  substance. Part B documents information
                         regarding the installation. Part C  documents information regarding  the
                         safety management system at the installation. Part D is an assessment of
                         the potential sources of major accidents and the measures taken to prevent
                         and minimize them.
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