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Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Report   Page        5
                                                Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd                     Revision      01
                                                  Executive Summary                     Date        Aug 2019

                          The Company has  established  the Occupational  Safety and Health
                          Management System and is committed to comply with the applicable legal
                          and other requirements through continuous improvement to ensure a safe
                          and healthy working environment and plant.

                   3.2.4  Part D: Information on Potential Major Accidents

                          The potential major accidents could be due to the loss of containment of
                          Chlorine from the storage cylinder or drum, tubing and piping system. The
                          hazard involved is from the dispersion  of toxic Chlorine gas to the
                          surrounding atmosphere outside the Chlorine Room.

                          From the quantitative risk analysis conducted and presented in this report,
                          the  individual  risk contour is within the  KT1  &  KT2  WTP, and will not
                          significantly impact upon any nearby industrial and residential area.

                          Therefore,  it is concluded that  KT1 & KT2  WTP’s current operation
                          satisfies the risk criterion as proposed in the Department of Environment’s
                          (DOE) guidelines. This is considered as acceptance risk criteria, with the
                          emphasis to ensure the offsite emergency response team and set up are
                          well established to minimise the risk in the event of recovery measures are

                   3.2.5 Conclusion

                         KT1 & KT2 WTP stores and uses Chlorine as a disinfectant in the water
                         treatment processes.  Chlorine liquid  is contained in the  cylinders and
                         drums stored at the Chlorine Room.

                         KT1 & KT2 WTP is fully aware of the hazard and risk in the event of toxic
                         gas dispersion. Measures are taken to ensure the design and installation of
                         the  Chlorine  Room  and  the  associated equipment  meet the  necessary
                         design standards.  KT1 & KT2  WTP  team has  implemented  appropriate
                         measures to minimise and control any possibility of Chlorine incidents such
                         as toxic gas dispersion.
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