Page 234 - 退休3.0:高齡教育與高教轉型
P. 234

退休 3.0
                                                                     高齡教育與高教轉型           231

                                         表 5-3 美國 UBRCs 分類

                              X 軸  (1) 臨近學校  (2) 學習 / 服務項目  (3) 村莊學校     (4) 社區隸屬於學校
                Y 軸                            合作           管理者重疊

                          1. Village on the   15. Eisenach               42. College Square
                            Cannon          Village、                       Retirement
               (1) 活躍生活 /  2. Meadowood   16. Veridian Village             Community
                          3. Pensacola
                  獨立生活      Senior Living at
                            University Pines
                          4. Iris Place
                          5. Addington Place  17. Longview   37. Belmont Village   43. Capstone Village
               (2) 獨立生活 /  6. Dirigo Pines  Retirement      Westwood
                   輔助生活                     Community
                                          18. Villa St. Benedict
                          7. Sunrise at George  19. Azalea Trace  38. Holy Cross   44. Lasell Village
                            Mason         20. Clemson Downs  Village at Notre   45. The Village at
                          8. Barclay Friends  21. Vi at Palo Alto  Dame     Penn State
                          9. Butterfield Trail   22. The Clare at   39. Kendal at
                            Village         Water Tower     Granville
                          10. University   23. University Place   40. Longhorn Village
                                            in West Lafayette
                             Village      24. Galloway Ridge   41. Mary's Woods at
                          11. Cascade Manor  at Fearrington  Marylhurst
                          12. Eastview    25. Kendal at
                          13. Kendal-       Hanover
                             Crosslands   26. Kendal at Ithaca
                             Community    27. Kendal at Oberlin
                          14. University   28. Kendal at
                             Retirement   29. Green Hills
                             Community at
                 (3) CCRC                   Retirement
                             Davis          Community
                                          30. The Knolls of
                                          31. Oak Hammock
                                          32. The Forest at
                                          33. The Pines at
                                          34. University
                                            Village Thousand
                                          35. The Woodlands
                                            at Furman
                                          36. Westminster-
                                            Canterbury of the
                                            Blue Ridge
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