Page 38 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 38

Chapter 1: The Stage is Set

                        tion of America by Pamela Geller where she claims that
                        we are at war with Islam because Islam wants to destroy
                        Western civilization from within.
                              The battle against Islam will not be won by force
                        of arms because  it  is  a spiritual  battle. More than a
                        million migrants and refugees per year are arriving in
                        Europe, most of them are men with little education, low
                        skills  and  speak  only  their  native  language.  Some
                        countries like Sweden may be waking up by expelling
                        some immigrants—but it may be too late because time
                        is on the side of Islam. A popular message in Muslim
                        propaganda is “the West may have the clock, but we
                        have the time.”

                              IMMIGRATION & ISLAM
                              Europe’s  culture,  heritage,  and  traditions  are
                        under attack by the intolerant ideology of Islam. Euro-
                        peans are at a disadvantage because Europe’s birth rate
                        is much lower than the birthrate for Muslims and many
                        Muslims have several wives. When you contrast Eu-
                        rope’s  anything  goes  secularism  and  the  belief  that
                        people  are basically  good  with  the  shared  beliefs  of
                        Muslims and their quest to establish a world caliphate,
                        in  years  to  come  we  could  witness  the  demise  of
                        western civilization in Europe.
                              Europeans and Canadians have embraced the idea
                        of  cultural  Marxism,  and  as  such,  they  tend  to  be
                        multicultural,  but  not  multiethnic.  They  consider
                        themselves to be citizens of the world, and they believe
                        that people of the world are all the same and all have
                        equal value and cultural diversity will have a positive
                        effect on their nation. These beliefs minimize the strict

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