Page 8 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 8
CHAPTER 1: The Stage is Set...................9
CHAPTER 2: The Key Players ............ 45
CHAPTER 3: The Choice is Ours to Make ...........79
CHAPTER 4: Government Overreach..........95
CHAPTER 5: The Fed on Steroids....123
CHAPTER 6: Down the Rabbit Hole ...........139
CHAPTER 7: Trumponomics .........159
CHAPTER 8: Money - the Seeds of Destruction ......175
CHAPTER 9: Bail-Ins, Derivatives, Employment.185
CHAPTER 10: Trade and Currency Wars .......195
CHAPTER 11: Austrians vs. Keynesians ......211
CHAPTER 12: The Collapse! ..221
CHAPTER 13: What to Do? ...237
RESOURCES: .............247
ALTERNATIVE NEWS ..............253