Page 9 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 9


                   This book is about the economic era that we live
            in as seen through the eyes of an economist. Donald
            Trump did not bring about division; the division brou-
            ght  about  Donald  Trump.  There  is  a  world  conflict
            between the Collectivists (Globalists) and the Individu-
            alists (Nationalists).
                   Globalists  believe  that  global  organizations
            should  direct  human  affairs,  whereas  Nationalists
            support national sovereignty. A Nationalist has a desire
            to  protect  his  nation  regarding  common  birth,  race,
            history, language, customs, and traditions. Globalists
            are concerned with preserving shared ideals, such as
            cultural  diversity,  different  gender  identities,  gay
            marriage and open borders.
                   The  difference  between  a  Nationalist  and  a
            Globalist is the difference between paper and blood.
            The  Globalist  is  concerned  with  what  is  legal  and
            official, like a paper document that makes him a citizen
            of a country or a state. A Nationalist cares about genet-
            ics and heredity. I could migrate to Japan, become a
            legal citizen of the state and learn to speak Japanese,
            but I will never be Japanese because blood is stronger
            than paper.

                   But there are other players on the stage besides
            nationalists and globalists. Progressive liberals believe
            themselves  to  be  defenders  of  minorities  and  the
            downtrodden and seek to eliminate inequalities. You
            have a progressive attitude towards gender if you dress
            girls in blue and boys in pink to challenge stereotypes.
            Neoconservatives  are  people  involved  in  the  secret
            manipulation  or  control  the  government's  military
            policy.  War  is  the  most  profitable  industry  in  the
            world—and the Neocons make constant profits with
            constant wars.
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