Page 12 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 12

Chapter 1: The Stage is Set

                        down  this  slippery  slope  of  collectivism  for  de-
                        cades—until the election of Donald Trump.

                                Populism is not a left or a right movement, but it
                        represents a break from the establishment. The Bernie
                        Sanders campaign was a populist movement, but his
                        platform  was  the  opposite  of  President  Trump's
                        platform. The economic collapse of 2007-2008 and the
                        Great  Recession  that  followed  indicates  a  failure  of
                        political stewardship leading to a loss of confidence in
                        mainstream  parties  and  established  institutions.  This
                        populist movement is picking up speed in Europe where
                        there is a growing awareness that Islam is incompatible
                        with western culture.
                                Peter  Sutherland  is  known  as  the  father  of
                        globalization. Sutherland had been in the leadership of
                        global  organizations  such  as  Attorney  General  of
                        Ireland, the first chairman of the World Trade Organi-
                        zation,  chairman  of  British  Petroleum  and  Goldman
                        Sachs International in Europe. His last and most impor-
                        tant position was the U.N. Special representative of the
                        secretary-general on migration. In this office, he con-
                        vinced  many  European  leaders,  including  Angela
                        Merkel of Germany, to give up some of their nation's
                        sovereignty  and  to  embrace  multiculturalism.  He
                        believed  that  countries  who  were  nationalistic  were
                        racist, that migration is the original strategy for people
                        escaping poverty, and that multiculturalism is a vital
                        part of the world's future agenda. The European Union
                        has  embraced  the  idea  of  replacing  population  by
                              The 28-member European Union has come a long
                        way since six European countries founded the European
                        Economic Community in 1958. They aimed to avoid

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