Page 16 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
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Chapter 1: The Stage is Set

                        unpleasant ideas. Multiculturalists discourage the use of
                        certain  ?trigger  words,”  sometimes  called  ?negative
                        feeling words,” that might offend or make someone or
                        a group feel uncomfortable. The measure which society
                        overcomes and corrects traditional social impediments
                        is the new measure of liberalism in a globalized society.
                              Multiculturalists  believe  that  the  government
                        should  pass  equality  laws  to  achieve  social  justice.
                        Some groups are targeted by a crime regardless of their
                        innocence or guilt, and for every privileged group, there
                        is an unprivileged group. Multiculturalists wail against
                        the  uneven  distribution  of  wealth  but  suppress  any
                        reference  to  communism  because  people  in  western
                        capitalistic societies have been programmed to accept
                        the profit motive over communism.

                              The  European  Union  Agency  for  Fundamental
                        Rights is a Vienna-based agency of the European Union
                        inaugurated on March 1, 2007. The FRA is designed to
                        ensure that all EU legislation and the resulting provi-
                        sions within the individual Member States are in line
                        with  the  human  rights  and  freedoms  guaranteed  in
                        Europe. The FRA acts as a monitoring agency, to help
                        promote  the  concept  of  multiculturalism.  The  FRA
                        monitors what it considers hate crimes and states that
                        violence and offenses motivated by racism, xenophobia,
                        religious  intolerance,  or  by  bias  against  a  person’s
                        disability, sexual orientation or gender identity are all
                        examples of hate crimes. The  FRA claims that such
                        crimes  strike  at  the  heart  of  the  European  Union’s
                        commitment to multiculturalism.
                               The problem with the term racism is that it is a
                        loaded  term  implying  something  more  than  what  is
                        objectively there. The term racist comes loaded with

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