Page 21 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 21

Trump's Economic Era

            and censored, she drove to a YouTube headquarters and
            shot and wounded three people before killing herself.
                 These Silicon Valley giants have gained monop-
            oly status with little government oversight. They were
            allowed to grow unfettered in part because U.S. anti-
            trust  law  views  anticompetitive  behavior  primarily
            through  the  prism  of  the  effect  on  consumers.  The
            cheap products and free services of the Tech Giants
            insulated  them  from  government  interference.  If  the
            Justice Department had used the concentration of power
            yard-stick,  the  government  would  have  prevented
            Google  from  buying  YouTube  and  DoubleClick;
            Facebook would not have been able to buy Instagram
            and  Microsoft  LinkedIn.  But  now  that  these  Tech
            Giants  have  almost  unfettered  power  in
            cyberspace—they control the media, and therefore the
                 In George Orwell’s book 1984, Winston Smith
            worked at  the records department at the Ministry  of
            Truth where his job was to rewrite history according to
            big brother and party. The Ministry of Truth is very
            similar to YouTube’s Community Guidelines Enforce-
            ment Department. The passage below from the book
            1984 sums up YouTube’s philosophy on what should
            and what should not be allowed to exist on its platform.

                        “And if all others accepted the lie
                   which the Party imposed – if all records
                   told the same tale – then the lie passed
                   into history and became truth.”

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