Page 25 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 25

Trump's Economic Era


                 The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines diversity
            as  “the  condition  of  having  or  being  composed  of
            differing elements, especially the inclusion of different
            types of people (such as people of different races or
            culture)  in  a  group  or  organization.”  However,  the
            Globalists have redefined the term to mean the inclu-
            sion of individuals representing more than one national
            origin, color, religion, socioeconomic group, and sexual

                 Marquette is a Jesuit University in Milwaukee. In
            2014, a student of Marquette criticized an ethics profes-
            sor  for  telling  a  student  he  could  not  criticize  the
            practice of same-sex marriage in her class because that
            would  be  “homophobic.”  Multiculturalism  does  not
            allow  criticism  on  issues  which  are  offensive  to  a
            protected group. When another professor defended the
            student and refused to apologize for his defense, the
            university  fired  him.  A  Wisconsin  court  backed  the
            university’s  decision;  but  the  Wisconsin  Institute  of
            Liberty and Law claims the firing violates his contract
            which  promises  professor’s  freedom  from  threats  or
            dismissal over constitutional rights, such as free speech.
                 Teaching the classics has become an anomaly on
            many college campuses. For example, Seattle Univer-
            sity  students  held  a  weeklong  sit-in  to  protest  the
            classical emphasis on the humanities at the college. The
            sit-in led to the dean’s departure after a student com-
            plained about having to read works from dead white
            people.  Students  at  Oregon  Reed  College  staged  a
            protest claiming that too many courses were “Cauca-
            soid”  and  “Eurocentric”  and  “oppressive.”  Yale’s

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