Page 29 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 29
Trump's Economic Era
wisdom. Spiritual strength is necessary to have moral
strength—democratic and cultural values are not
enough to save people from forces bent on destroying
them. In a secular society, everything has to be watered
down because of offenses—including the truth. Pope
John Paul II called Europe, where secularism reigns
supreme, “the culture of death.”
America has been multiethnic but not multicul-
tural. A multiethnic society accepts people from all
cultures, but expects them to integrate into the host
country, to live and adhere to the general beliefs and
customs of the nation and contribute to the welfare of
the country. President Trump favors immigrants from
Asian and European countries who can best assimilate
themselves into the American way of life.
Globalist beliefs have transformed Europe from
being multiethnic to multicultural, and like Constanti-
nople and Lebanon in earlier times, it is at risk of
ethnocide, of losing its cultural and ethnic identity.
Christianity is facing elimination in its Biblical home-
land because between a half and two-thirds of Chris-
tians in the Middle East have been killed or they have
departed over the past century. Countries that used to be
primarily Christian are now mostly Muslim.
The European Commission of the European
Union is not elected, but it is accountable to the Euro-
pean Parliament, and the Council of Ministers repre-
sents all the EU member states. The European Parlia-
ment is only an advisory body to the EU Commission