Page 32 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 32

Chapter 1: The Stage is Set

                              In  his  book,  Praktischer  Idealismus  (Practical
                        Idealism),  Kalergi  explains  that  the  citizens  of  the
                        future “United States of Europe” will be a new mixed
                        breed made possible by interbreeding with Asians and
                        other non-White races. The purpose of the plan is to
                        form a multiracial population through mass migration,
                        without a clear sense of tradition or identity and there-
                        fore easily controlled by the ruling elite.
                              Kalergi proclaims the need to abolish the right of
                        nations to self-determination and outlines the breakup
                        of  nation-states  through  the  use  of  ethnic  separatist
                        movements. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Foundation gives
                        an  award  every  two  years  to  Europeans  who  have
                        excelled in promoting the plan.  German Chancellor
                        Angela Merkel won the prize in 2010; she is responsi-
                        ble for spearheading laws supporting multiculturalism
                        throughout the European Union.

                                THE BARCELONA DECLARATION
                              Europe was multiethnic until 2010 and expected
                        immigrants to assimilate into European culture— but
                        after  2010  governments  became  multicultural,  they
                        became tolerant of all beliefs and customs when the
                        Barcelona  Declaration  took  effect.  In  1995,  the  28
                        members of the European Union, along with 15 other
                        non-European  countries,  signed  the  Barcelona
                        Declaration,  now  called  the  Union  for  the
                        Mediterranean.  This  intergovernmental  organization
                        brings together the 28 European Union member states
                        and 15 countries from the Southern and Eastern shores
                        of the Mediterranean.

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