Page 28 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
P. 28

Chapter 1: The Stage is Set

                              The  Islamic  world  has  a  plan  to  evangelize
                        America and the world through journalism, politics, and
                        education. Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran’s Supreme Leader
                        from 1979 to 1989, once stated in 1942,

                                      “Islam makes it incumbent on all
                                adult males, provided they are not dis-
                                abled  and  incapacitated,  to  prepare
                                themselves for the conquest of [other]
                                countries  so  that  the  writ  of  Islam  is
                                obeyed in every country in the world.”

                              There is no wisdom in a people who fail to protect
                        their culture, their customs, their way of life. Why is
                        there no wisdom? Because in secular societies, there is
                        no God. The Globalists believe that people are born
                        good, and therefore God need not play a role. National-
                        ists believe that people are not born good. People are
                        not born evil, but human nature is not always good, and
                        since people are not inherently good, we need God’s
                        wisdom  to  show  us  the  way.  “...the  carnal  mind  is
                        enmity against God.” Romans 8:7.

                              Secularism is good for the government, but bad
                        for society, the bigger the government—the smaller the
                        individual. If people are not going to be accountable to
                        God, then people will put their faith in the government.
                        It is not the government that has made people good in
                        America;  Biblical  teachings  have  made  good  peo-
                        ple—wisdom begins with the fear of God. The secular
                        world has brilliance and knowledge—but there is no

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