Page 26 - TrumpsEconEra_Flat
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Chapter 1: The Stage is Set
English Department changed its curriculum after 150
students signed a petition demanding a change. It is
now possible to get an English degree from Yale
without studying Chaucer, Shakespeare or Milton.
A group of white individuals of different ethnic
groups who speak different languages and have differ-
ent customs is not diverse—it is not multicultural.
According to this definition, people living in a homoge-
nous, nationalist, Christian white country is not distinct
enough, regardless of individual differences. Globalists
label such a group as exophobic (tending to discrimi-
nate against dissimilar groups), homophobic (having
negative attitudes against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender people), anti-Semitic, and/or racist.
Globalists portray diversity as a concept that
promotes moral values and furthers the principles of
equal dignity and goodwill. They use the idea as a
bludgeon against white cultures to convince them of the
need to show more compassion for disadvantaged
groups of non-white and non-traditional people. How
can one turn a blind eye to the suffering of others? The
lie of the Globalists is that diversity can enhance
livelihood, but in reality, it can spawn conflict and can
destroy social cohesion as witnessed by the growing
occurrences of riots in Europe. The concept of diversity
is in direct opposition to nationalism.
Multiculturalism and cultural relativism can lead
to ethnocide. Ethnocide is the deliberate and systematic
destruction of members of a national, ethnic, racial, or
religious group, such as white males. Ethnocide is the