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Korech –   ֵרוֹכּ

          תוֹצּ ַמ לַﬠ :ר ַמֱאֶנּ ֶשׁ ה ַמ םיֵיַקְל ,דַחַי ְבּ ל  ֵכוֹ אְו רוֹר ָמוּ הָצּ ַמ   ֵרוֹכּ הָיָה :םיָיַק הָיָה שׁ ָדּ ְק ִמַּה תיֵבּש ן ַמְז ִבּ לֵלּ ִה ה ָשָׂﬠ ןֵכּ .לֵלּ ִה ְכּ שׁ ָדּ ְק ִמְל רֶכֵז
                                                                                                      .  וּהֻל ְכאֹי םי ִרֹר ְמוּ

         Eating matzah, marror and charoset this way reminds us of how, in the days of the Temple, Hillel would do so,
         making a sandwich of the Pashal lamb, matzah and marror, in order to observe the law “You shall eat it (the
         Pesach sacrifice) on matzah and marror.”

                                                                Ami Kellerman—1st grade

         Korech ‐ Elie Gelman (7th Grade)

         Every year during the Pesach Seder right before we eat the meal, we have a strange custom to take Matzah and
         Marror and make a sandwich called the Hillel sandwich, more commonly known as Korech. We already ate
         Matzah and Marror so why do we eat them again? Where does this custom come from?

         Hillel lived in the time of the Beit Hamikdash when Jews would bring a Korban Pesach. When he ate Matzah
         and Marror he would eat them with the Korban Pesach. When he would eat it, he would recline because it sym-
         bolized his positive approach to all of his hardships. Hillel had a hard life and he understood that it was all part
         of G-d’s plan. We can use this symbolic sandwich during our seder to remind us to be a little more like Hillel
         and look at life in a positive way.

         Koreich ‐ Eitan Geralnik (8th Grade)

         In Koreich we make a sandwich with matzah, marror, and charoset. But before we make the sandwich we dip
         the marror in the charoset. The charoset is supposed to have the consistency of the clay the slaves in Egypt
         made bricks out of. Why? It is supposed to have the consistency of the clay because the clay needs to be put to-
         gether to become bricks. Unlike stones, the other major building material, the Jews needed to work together and
         work hard to put the bricks together to build stuff. This is to teach us that if we work hard and work together we
         can have success.
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